Foundation Considers Nearly $3M for Aid to Latin America

Populorum Progressio Council Meeting Under Way

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VATICAN CITY, JULY 24, 2012 ( The administrative council of the Populorum Progressio Foundation began its annual meeting today, with the group considering 203 projects to aid poor indigenous, mixed race and African-American communities of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Populorum Progressio was founded in 1992 and is part of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum.

The administrative council is led by Cardinal Robert Sarah, president of the Foundation and of that pontifical council.

The group is meeting in Colombia; the administrative council traditionally holds its annual session in a country of Latin America or the Caribbean in order to draw attention to the activities and initiatives of the particular Churches there.

A total of 203 projects have been presented this year, involving 19 countries and a total value of $2,908,727. The number of projects presented by country are: Brazil (59), Colombia (42), Peru (15), Ecuador (16), El Salvador (6), Haiti (12), Guatemala (5), Argentina (5), Bolivia (10), Paraguay (4), Chile (4), Cuba (5), Costa Rica (6), Mexico (3), Venezuela (2), Nicaragua (3), Dominican Republic (2), Honduras (2) and Uruguay (2).


The Foundation is currently going through a period of renewal, both of its membership and secretariat, with the aim of identifying new ways to propagate the activities of Populorum Progressio. This will include a project to be presented to the members by Juan Carlos Navarro, an expert on foundations, with the assistance of Monsignor Silverio Nieto, juridical consultant of Cor Unum, containing possible changes to the working methods of the Foundation. This year’s meeting will also serve to elect a new president and vice president of the administrative council.

The Foundation receives its principal financial support from the Italian Episcopal Conference’s committee for charitable initiatives in favour of the Third World, and from private donors.

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