Archives Archives - ZENIT - English The World Seen From Rome Mon, 13 May 2024 04:29:50 +0000 es hourly 1 Archives Archives - ZENIT - English 32 32 3 lines of development for theology according to the Pope: creative fidelity to tradition, a cross-disciplinary approach and collegiality Sat, 11 May 2024 17:59:33 +0000 Address to a Delegation of the International Network of Societies for Catholic Theology (INSeCT).

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 05.10.2024).- On the morning of Friday, May 10th, Pope Francis received in audience members of the «International Network of Catholic Theological Societies.» Below is the translation into English of the speech that the Pope delivered but did not read.


I am pleased to meet with you, the theologians belonging to the “International Network of Societies for Catholic Theology”. Thank you for the interdisciplinary work that you carry out through research projects and congresses, and by your encouragement of ecumenism and dialogue with other religions and worldviews.

Theology is indeed a significant and necessary ecclesial ministry. In the first place, because it is part of our Catholic faith to explain the reason for our hope to all those who ask (cf. 1 Pet 3:15). And we know that hope is not an emotion or a feeling, but the very person of Jesus, who is himself “the way, and the truth and the life” (Jn 14:6).

Theology is also important because of the epochal changes that we are experiencing in our increasingly multi-ethnic and mobile societies marked by the interconnectedness of different peoples, languages and cultural backgrounds. These changes need to be critically assessed in an effort to help build a future of peace, solidarity and universal brotherhood (cf. Fratelli Tutti), to say nothing of care for our common home (cf. Laudato Si’).

We also need theology because the challenges posed by progress in science and technology – we need think only of artificial intelligence – are presently forcing us to work towards a common understanding of what it means to be human, what is worthy of our nature as human beings, what aspect of our humanity is irreducible because it is divine, that is, made in the image and likeness of God in Christ. Here, theology must be able to serve as a companion to the sciences and other critical disciplines, offering its specific sapiential contribution to ensuring that different cultures do not clash but become, in dialogue, symphonic.

In this light, dear friends, I would like to point to three guidelines for theology: creative fidelity to tradition, a cross-disciplinary approach and collegiality (cf. Address to the International Theological Commission, 4 November 2022). These are the essential “ingredients” of the vocation of Catholic theologians in the heart of the Church. For theologians, are like the scouting party sent by Joshua to explore the land of Canaan: they are charged with finding the right paths towards the inculturation of the faith.

As we all know, Tradition is living. Consequently, it must increase and incarnate the Gospel in every land and in all cultures. The Gospel proclaims the event of Jesus, who died and rose again, and is wisdom for the life of all peoples. Theology is the discipline that deals with human existence; its light must enter the fabric of every reality investigated by the sciences. A cross-disciplinary approach is not, therefore, a fad of the moment, but an intrinsic demand of theological science, which is called to “listen” to discoveries made in other fields of knowledge in order to deepen our understanding of the doctrines of faith, while at the same time offering Christian wisdom for a human development of the sciences. The responsibility for this arduous task necessarily calls for collegiality and synodality in the work of research.

In a particular way, this service cannot be carried out without a recovery of the sapiential character of theology, as I noted in the Apostolic Letter Ad Theologiam Promovendam. Benedict XVI rightly asked all sciences to widen the boundaries of scientific rationality in a sapiential sense. This widening also needs to take place in theology, so that it can be a discipline critical for the life of every human being and the entire People of God, uniting science and virtue, critical reasoning and love. Catholic faith is a faith that works through charity: otherwise it is a dead faith (cf. Jas 2:26). A sapiential theology is thus a theology of love, because “whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love” (1 Jn 4:8).

Dear brothers and sisters, I thank you for your visit and I offer my prayerful good wishes for your work. I give you my blessing and I ask you, please, to remember me in your prayers.

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Is the Pope frustrated, did he talk about euthanasia with Macron? Three answers on flight from France to Rome Sat, 23 Sep 2023 23:02:08 +0000 On the return flight from Marseille to Rome, the Pope gave a press conference where he spoke about migration, euthanasia, Macron and his frustrations that things are not changing on migration.

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(ZENIT News / Marsella-Rome, 09.23.2023).- The Director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, introduced the Pope’s press conference with these words: «Good evening, Your Holiness, good evening everyone. Thank you for taking this time on our return flight. It was a special journey in which you were also able to feel, as His Eminence said, all the affection of the French people who came to pray with you. But I think there are still a few questions or issues that the journalists would like to ask you. Perhaps you would like to say a few words to us.”

To which the Pope replied: «Good evening and thank you very much for your work. Before I forget I want to say two things. Today I think it is the final flight of Roberto Bellino [Sound Engineer with the Dicastery for Communication], because he is retiring (applause). Thank you, thank you, thank you! The second thing is that today is Rino’s birthday, the ineffable Rino [Anastasio, ITA Airways coordinator of papal journeys] (applause). Now you may ask your questions.”

Following this, there were three questions from three media outlets: France Televisions, AFP, and ABC Spain.

Raphaële Schapira (France TV): Your Holiness, good evening. You began your pontificate in Lampedusa, denouncing indifference. Ten years later you are asking Europe to show solidarity. You have been repeating the same message for ten years. Does that mean you have failed?

Pope Francis: I would say no. I would say that growth has been slow. Today there is awareness of the migration problem. There is consciousness. And also, there is consciousness of how it has reached a point … like a hot potato that you don’t know how to handle.

Angela Merkel once said that it is solved by going to Africa and solving it in Africa, by raising the level of African peoples. But there have been cases that are bad. Very bad cases, where migrants, like in ping pong, have been sent back. And it is known that many times they end up in lagers; they end up worse than before.

I followed the life of a boy, Mahmoud, who was trying to get out… and in the end he hanged himself. He didn’t make it because he couldn’t stand this torture. I told you to read that book “Brother” –  “Hermanito”. The people who come are first sold. Then they take away their money. Then they make them call their family on the phone to send more money. But they are poor people. It’s a terrible life.

I heard one who at night, when boarding a boat, saw a vessel so plain, with no security he did not want to board. And, boom boom. End of story. It is the reign of terror. They suffer not only because they need to get out, but because it is the reign of terror there. They are slaves. And we cannot – without seeing things – send them back like a ping pong ball. No.

That is why I reiterate that in principle migrants must be welcomed, accompanied, promoted and integrated. If you cannot integrate him in your country, accompany and integrate them in other countries, but don’t leave them in the hands of these cruel human-traffickers.

The issue with migrants is this: that we send them back and they fall into the hands of these wretches who do so much evil. They sell them; they exploit them. People try to get flee. There are some groups of people who dedicate themselves to rescuing people with boats. I invited one of them, the head of “Mediterranea Saving Humans” to the Synod. They tell you terrible stories.

On my first trip, you recalled, I went to Lampedusa. Things have got better. They really have. There is more awareness. Back then we didn’t know. Back then they didn’t tell us the truth. I remember there was a receptionist in Santa Marta, an Ethiopian, daughter of Ethiopians. She spoke the language, and was following my journey on the TV. She saw there was someone who explained, a poor Ethiopian, who explained torture and these things. And the translator – this lady told me – he didn’t say everything; he sweetened the situation. It is difficult to trust. So much drama.

That day I was there. A doctor told me: “look at that woman. She walked among the corpses seeking a face because she was looking for her daughter. She didn’t find her.” These dramas…it is good for us to take them in hand. It will make us more human and therefore also more divine. It is a call. I wish it were like a cry. Let us be attentive. Let’s do something.

Awareness has changed. It really has. Today there is more consciousness. Not because I spoke out, but because people have become aware of the problem. So many are talking about it. It was my first trip.

I want to say one more thing. I didn’t even know where Lampedusa was, but I heard the stories: I read something, and in prayer I heard “you must go” As if the Lord was sending me there, on my first journey.

Clément Melki – Agence France-Presse (AFP): This morning you met with Emmanuel Macron after expressing your disagreement to euthanasia. The French government is preparing to pass a controversial end-of-life law. Could you kindly tell us what you told the French president about this and whether you think you can change his mind.

Pope Francis: We did not speak on this issue today, but we talked about it on the other visit when we met. I spoke clearly, when he came to the Vatican, and I spoke my opinion clearly: life is not to be played with, neither at the beginning nor at the end. We cannot play around. This is my opinion: to protect life, you know? Because then we wind up with a policy of “no pain”, of a humanistic euthanasia.

On this point, I want to cite a book again. Please read it. It’s from 1907. It’s a novel called Lord of the World, written by [Robert Hugh] Benson. It’s an apocalyptic novel that shows how things will be in the end. All differences are taken away, including all pain. Euthanasia is one of these things – a gentle death, selection before birth. It shows us how this man had foreseen some of the current conflicts.

Today we should be careful with ideological colonizations that ruin human life and go against human life. Today, for example, the lives of grandparents are erased, and when human wealth comes into play in the dialogue with grandchildren, they are erased. ‘They are old so are of no use.’ We cannot play with life.

This time I did not talk to the president [about this topic], but last time I did. When he came, I gave him my opinion that life is not something to be played with.Whether it’s the law of not letting the baby grow in the mother’s womb or the law of euthanasia in disease or old age, I’m not saying it’s an issue of faith. It’s a human issue, a human issue. There exists an ‘ugly compassion’. Science has come to turn some painful diseases into less painful events, accompanying them with many medicines. But life must not be played with.

Javier Martínez-Brocal – ABC: Holy Father, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions, for this very intense and dense trip. Up to the last you spoke about the Ukraine and Cardinal Zuppi has just arrived in Beijing. Is there any progress in this mission? At least on the humanitarian issue of the return of the children? Then a somewhat harsh question: how do you personally experience the fact that this mission has not managed to obtain any concrete results so far. In an audience you spoke of frustration. Do you feel frustration? Thank you.

That is true, some frustration is felt, because the Secretariat of State is doing everything to help this, and even the «Zuppi mission» has gone there. There is something with the children that is going well, but this war makes me think that it is also somewhat affected not only by the Russian/Ukrainian problem, but also by the selling of arms, the arms trade. The Economist said a few months ago that today the investments that provide the most income are arms factories, [which are] certainly factories of death!

The Ukrainian people is a martyred people; they have a very martyred history, a history that makes them suffer. It is not the first time: at the time of Stalin, they suffered a lot, a lot; they are a martyred people. But we must not toy with the martyrdom of this people; we have to help them to resolve things in most realistic possible way.

In wars, what is realistic is what is possible, not having illusions: as if tomorrow the two leaders at war would go out to eat together. But as far as possible, where we reach the point of doing what is possible. Now I have seen that some countries are turning back, that they are not giving arms, and are starting a process where the martyr will certainly be the Ukrainian people. And that is a bad thing!

You have changed the subject, which is why I would like to go back to the first subject, the Journey. Marseille is a civilisation of many cultures, many cultures, it is a port of migrants.

At one time there were migrants to Cayenne, those condemned to prison left from there – the archbishop [of Marseille -ed.] gave me Manon Lescaut to remind me of that history. But Marseille is a culture of encounter!

Yesterday in the meeting with representatives of various confessions – they coexist: Muslims, Jews, Christians, but there is coexistence, it is a culture of assistance; Marseille is a creative mosaic; it is this culture of creativity. A port that is a message in Europe: Marseille is welcoming. It welcomes and creates a synthesis without denying the identity of peoples. We have to rethink this issue for the other parts: the capacity to welcome.

Returning to migrants, there are five countries that suffer due to so many migrants, but in some of these countries, there are empty towns. I think of a concrete case I know of, there is a town where there are fewer 20 elderly people and no more. Please let these towns make the effort to integrate.

We need labour; Europe has need of it. Well conducted migration is a richness; it is a richness. Let us consider this migration policy so that it is more fruitful and because it helps us so much.

Now comes the dinner party for Rino and Roberto’s farewell. Let’s stop here; thank you very much for your work and your questions.

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This is the Catholic Korea that will host the 2027 WYD: a country where vocations grow, baptisms increase, and sacramental practices are strong Sun, 06 Aug 2023 17:19:00 +0000 Statistics of the Catholic Church in Korea, host country for the next WYD in 2027.

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 08.06.2023).- Pope Francis chose the capital of South Korea as the venue for the upcoming 2027 World Youth Day. What is the Catholic Church like in Korea?

Total figures as of early 2023

The number of Korean Catholic believers, recorded in 16 dioceses across the country in 2022, is 5,949,862, which represents a 0.2% increase (11,817) compared to the previous year. According to data collected at the end of 2022, the proportion of believers to the total population of Korea (52,628,623) is 11.3%, similar to the previous year.

In comparison to 2021, the total population of the country has decreased by 104,077 people, but the number of Catholics has slightly increased. This information is derived from the «Statistics of the Korean Catholic Church 2022» yearbook, published by the Korean Episcopal Conference. The study contains updated data until December 31, 2022, obtained through surveys of parishes, associations, male and female religious congregations, educational institutions, and organizations dedicated to pastoral work.

Alongside the statistics, the «Korean Catholic Pastoral Research Institute,» an institute under the Episcopal Conference, has also published an analysis of trends regarding the presence of the Catholic Church and its institutions in Korean society.

Participation in Mass and worship activities

According to the statistics, the average number of participants in Sunday Mass in 2022 was 699,681, representing 11.8% of all the faithful. This indicates a 3% increase compared to 2021 and reflects the situation in 2022 when restrictions on attending Sunday Mass related to the pandemic were lifted. However, it is noted that in 2019, attendees constituted 18.3% of all believers.

Sacramental statistics

The number of new baptisms in 2022 is 41,384, a 13.3% increase compared to 2021 (36,540 individuals). Baptisms are classified into three types: infant, adult, and those administered to the dying. The rate of increase for adult baptisms is 9.3%, and for baptisms of the dying, it is 16%. Regarding infant baptisms, which can be an indicator of faith transmission, there was an average decrease of 7.2% from 2015 to 2019, but 2022 showed a 22.1% increase compared to 2021.

The number of confirmations, requests for the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, First Confessions, and First Communions showed a slight increase compared to 2021.

Number of vocations and priests

The text also mentions that the number of priests has slightly increased, while the number of religious brothers has decreased. The total number of priests is 5,703, 77 more than the 5,626 in the previous year. There are 3 cardinals, 40 bishops, and 5,661 priests (5,515 Korean and 146 foreign). The number of priests belonging to religious orders has increased by 16 units, reaching a total of 826, while the number of priests from apostolic life communities is 149, with an increase of 2 units from the previous year. In 2022, 96 priests were ordained, 3 more than the previous year.

Catholics in general by gender and demographics

Among lay believers, the proportion is 42.9% men (2,551,589) and 57.1% women (3,398,273). The proportion of believers over 65 years old is 26.4%. The metropolitan areas (Seoul, Incheon, Suwon, Uijeongbu) are home to 55.9% (3,326,925 people) of the total believers. The number of parishes (administrative districts where priests reside) is 1,784, with an increase of 5 compared to the previous year.

The number of ecclesiastical organizations is 173, with two more female religious orders. There are 1,602 male religious in 48 religious orders and 9,974 women in 125 religious congregations. A total of 227 novices are preparing for vows, donning the religious habit for the first time.

Regarding «ad gentes» missionary activities, the number of Korean missionaries abroad is 1,007, 108 fewer than the previous year. There are 244 priests, 55 monks, and 700 nuns, while the number of lay missionaries is 8 (2 more than the previous year).

Information from FIDES.

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Biden Launches Global Campaign Against Homosexuals Who Freely Want Therapy Not to Give In to Their Inclinations Sat, 04 Jun 2022 14:42:29 +0000 The critics of this type of verbal therapy say it causes harm. A review of 79 studies found that to help individuals to try to overcome attraction for the same sex or sex dysphoria doesn’t imply a greater risk than other types of counselling. 

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Stefano Gennarini


(ZENIT News – Center for Family and Human Rights / Washington, 01.07.2022).- Biden’s White House announced a global campaign to eradicate all forms of therapy and advice to help people struggling against same sex attraction or gender dysphoria. 

“My decree will use all the force of the Federal Government to avoid inhuman practices of conversion therapy,” said Biden on signing the decree calling all therapies and counselling that don’t confirm homosexuality and transgenderism “dangerous and discredited.” 

The decree directs the Secretary of State to develop an action plan to combat “conversion therapies” and to “promote the end of its use worldwide,” including its use as a lever for U.S. foreign aid and promoting initiatives against “conversion therapies” in the U.N.

“We wage the battle for the genuine soul of this nation and this isn’t a hyperbole,” said Biden before signing the degree, accusing the “MAGA  agenda” of his predecessor, President Donald Trump, of inciting violence against individuals who identify themselves as homosexual or transsexuals. 

Biden pointed out Florida’s actions against Disneyland for promoting the trans-education of children as “persecuting Mickey Mouse.” And he said that the action of Texas Governor Greg Abbot to impute parents who help their small children to change their sex as a form of child abuse was, in fact, a form of harassment. 

“Pride returns to the White House,” said Biden on signing the decree. The decree aligns the U.S. Government with several officials and bodies of the U.N. who recently engaged in a campaign against the so-called “conversion therapy.” 

Chile’s Michelle Bachelet, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, called conversion therapy an “abuse of human rights.” 

Victor Madrigal-Borloz of Costa Rica, U.N. independent expert on sexual orientation and gender identity, issued a Report calling for a global ban on all therapies and ways of counselling that do not encourage those that experience homosexual tendencies to act according to their inclinations or that do not reaffirm individuals that experience confusion regarding their bodies and sexes. 

The term “conversion therapy” doesn’t refer to an established method of therapy or counselling. It is a derogatory label applied by politicians and activists to any form of verbal therapy or counselling to help individuals to address their undesired attraction to the same sex or sex dysphoria.  This type of therapy and counselling is offered by psychologists and therapists. 

Psychologists that carry out this type of verbal therapy say that the results are based on the patient’s motivation and will to change his thoughts and actions. They say that 30% of those highly motivated abandon their same sex attraction, another 30% continue their struggle and resist the activity with those of the same sex, whereas the rest return to their previous practices. 

The critics of this type of verbal therapy say it causes harm. A review of 79 studies found that to help individuals to address or overcome same sex attraction of dysphoria, does not imply any greater risk than other types of counselling. 

The decree also directs federal agencies to fight against the conversion therapy domestically  and to develop strategies to eradicate it, together with other policies to promote homosexuality and transgenderism in the judicial system, schools, health care as well as in governmental policies and agencies. 

For instance, the decree’s  language directs the Department of Health and Humanitarian Services to develop policies that ensure that homosexual couples and trans gender individuals are able to adopt children or obtain them through surrogation and other reproductive technologies in equal conditions with married men and women. 

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Auxiliary Bishop of Owerri in South-East Nigeria Kidnapped Tue, 29 Dec 2020 16:56:05 +0000 Bishop Moses Chikwe

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Unidentified gunmen kidnapped the auxiliary bishop of the Catholic archdiocese of Owerri in Imo State, Moses Chikwe., reported Fides News Agency.

He was reportedly kidnapped on Sunday night alongside his driver whose name was not stated. The bishop’s car was later found near the Assumpta Cathedral in Owerri, located in southeastern Nigeria. The kidnapping was confirmed by the Archbishop of the diocese, His Exc. Mgr. Victor Obinna.

A statement signed by the Secretary-General of the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria, Fr. Zacharia Nyantiso Samjumi called for prayers for the quick release of the Auxiliary Bishop.
«So far, there has been no official reports of any correspondence with the kidnappers», said Fr. Samjumi. «Trusting in the maternal care of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we pray for his safety and quick release».

The police have activated two special teams, the Quick Intervention Team (QUIT) and the Anti Kidnapping Unit (AKU), to locate Mgr. Chikwe and arrest his kidnappers.

The kidnapping of the Auxiliary Bishop of Owerri took place just a week after the kidnapping of another Catholic religious, Fr. Valentine Oluchukwu Ezeagu, kidnapped on December 15 by gunmen, on his way to his father’s funeral. The priest was then released on December 16

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Pope Francis at Angelus: An Invitation to Joy (Full Text) Sun, 13 Dec 2020 15:57:26 +0000 'Rejoice in the Lord Always'

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The world may face many troubles but Pope Francis reminded the world today that the invitation to joy is characteristic of Advent.

His comments came before praying the noonday Angelus with the socially distanced gathering of pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square.

«And this dimension of joy emerges particularly today, the Third Sunday, which opens with Saint Paul’s exhortation: The closer the Lord is to us, the more joy we feel; the farther away he is, the more sadness we feel. ‘Rejoice in the Lord always”'(Entrance Antiphon; cf. Phil 4:4, 5),» the Holy Father said. «The closer the Lord is to us, the more joy we feel; the farther away he is, the more sadness we feel. »

The Pope went on to remind those listening of the many sources of joy in this season leading up to the birth of Christ:

  • «The expectation of Jesus’ birth that we experience is joyful…
  • «The Gospel according to John today presents us the biblical character who – excluding Our Lady and Saint Joseph – first and most fully experienced the expectation of the Messiah and the joy of seeing him arrive: naturally, we are speaking of John the Baptist (cf. Jn 1:6-8, 19-28)…
  • «This is the first condition of Christian joy: to decentralize from oneself and place Jesus at the center…
  • «The journey of joy is not a walk in the park. It takes work to always be joyful…
  • «And joy must be the characteristic of our faith. And in dark moments, that inner joy, of knowing that the Lord is with me, that the Lord is with us, that the Lord is Risen. ..
  • «The Lord! The Lord! The Lord! This is the center of our life, and this is the center of our joy.»

The Holy Father concluded by urging the faithful to be joyful and through that joy to transmit the joy of Christ.

Following is the Pope’s full commentary, provided by the Vatican:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Good morning!

The invitation to joy is characteristic of the season of Advent: the expectation of Jesus’ birth that we experience is joyful, somewhat like when we await the visit of a person we love a great deal, for example, a friend whom we have not seen for a long time, a relative…. We are in joyful anticipation. And this dimension of joy emerges particularly today, the Third Sunday, which opens with Saint Paul’s exhortation: “Rejoice in the Lord always” (Entrance Antiphon; cf. Phil 4:4, 5). “Rejoice!” Christian joy. And what is the reason for this joy? That “the Lord is at hand” (v. 5). The closer the Lord is to us, the more joy we feel; the farther away he is, the more sadness we feel. This is a rule for Christians. Once a philosopher said something more or less like this: “I do not understand how one can believe today, because those who say they believe have a face from a funeral wake. They do not bear witness of the joy of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ”. Many Christians have that face, yes, a face from a funeral wake, a face of sadness…. But Christ is risen! Christ loves you! And you have no joy? Let us think a bit about this and let us ask: “Do I have joy because the Lord is close to me because the Lord loves me because the Lord has redeemed me?”.

The Gospel according to John today presents us the biblical character who – excluding Our Lady and Saint Joseph – first and most fully experienced the expectation of the Messiah and the joy of seeing him arrive: naturally, we are speaking of John the Baptist (cf. Jn 1:6-8, 19-28).

The Evangelist introduces him in a solemn way: “There was a man sent from God…. He came for testimony, to bear witness to the light” (vs. 6-7). The Baptist is the first witness of Jesus, with the word and with the gift of his life. All the Gospels agree in showing that he fulfilled his mission by indicating Jesus as the Christ, the One sent by God, promised by the Prophets. John was a leader of his time. His renown had spread throughout Judea and beyond, to Galilee. But he did not surrender even for an instant to the temptation to draw attention to himself: he always oriented himself toward the One who was to come. He used to say: “he who comes after me, the thong of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie” (v. 27). Always indicating the Lord. Like Our Lady: always indicating the Lord: “Do whatever he tells you”. The Lord is always at the center. The Saints around him, indicating the Lord. And one who does not indicate the Lord is not holy! This is the first condition of Christian joy: to decentralize from oneself and place Jesus at the center. This is not alienation, because Jesus is effectively the center; he is the light that gives full meaning to the life of every man and woman who comes into this world. It is the same dynamism of love, which leads me to come out of myself not to lose myself but to find myself again, while I give myself, while I seek the good of others.

John the Baptist undertook a long journey to come to bear witness to Jesus. The journey of joy is not a walk in the park. It takes work to always be joyful. John left everything, in his youth, to put God in the first place, to listen to His Word with all his heart and all his strength. John withdrew into the desert, stripping himself of all things superfluous, in order to be freer to follow the wind of the Holy Spirit. Of course, some of his personality traits are unique, unrepeatable; they cannot be recommended for everyone. But his witness is paradigmatic for whoever wishes to seek the meaning of his or her life and find true joy. In particular, the Baptist is a model for those in the Church who are called to proclaim Christ to others: they are able to do so only by detaching from themselves and from worldliness, by not attracting people to themselves but directing them toward Jesus.

This is joy: directing toward Jesus. And joy must be the characteristic of our faith. And in dark moments, that inner joy, of knowing that the Lord is with me, that the Lord is with us, that the Lord is Risen. The Lord! The Lord! The Lord! This is the center of our life, and this is the center of our joy. Think well today: how do I behave? Am I a joyful person who knows how to transmit the joy of being Christian, or am I always like those sad people, as I said before, who seem to be at a funeral wake? If I do not have the joy of my faith, I cannot bear witness and others will say: “But if faith is so sad, it is better not to have it”.

By praying the Angelus now, we see all of this fully realized in the Virgin Mary: she silently awaited God’s Word of salvation; she welcomed it; she listened to it; she conceived it. In her, God became close. This is why the Church calls Mary a “Cause of our joy”.

After the Angelus, the Holy Father continued:

Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you all, people of Rome and pilgrims.

In a special way, I greet the group that has come as representatives of the families and children of Rome, for the occasion of the blessing of the “Baby Jesus” figurines, an event organized by the  Centro Oratori Romani. This year few of you are here due to the pandemic, but I know that many children and young people have gathered in the youth centers and in their homes and are following us via means of communication. I offer my greeting to everyone and I bless the statuettes of Jesus, which will be placed in the Nativity scene, a sign of hope and joy. In silence, let us bless the Baby Jesus figurines: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. When you pray at home, before the Nativity scene with your families, allow yourselves to be drawn by the tenderness of Baby Jesus, born poor and frail among us, in order to give us his love.

I wish everyone a happy Sunday. Do not forget joy! Christians are joyful at heart, even in trials. They are joyful because they are close to Jesus: it is He who gives us joy. And, please, do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your lunch. Arrivederci!

© Libreria Editrice Vatican


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Pope on Humanitarian Crisis in Iraq & Syria: ‘It’s Necessary to Have the Christian Presence in These Lands Continue’ Thu, 10 Dec 2020 17:52:59 +0000 To Vatican IHD Meeting With More Than 50 Agencies Working in Area, Pope 'Appeals to International Community, So Every Effort Is Made to Foster This Return, Guaranteeing Conditions of Safety & Necessary Economic Conditions'

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It’s necessary to have the Christian presence in these lands continue…

«I make an appeal to the International Community, so that every effort is made to foster this return of refugees forced to leave these countries but who wish to come back, «guaranteeing conditions of safety and the necessary economic conditions…»

This was at the heart of Pope Francis’ videomessage to participants in the virtual meeting on the Syrian and Iraqi Humanitarian Crisis, promoted by the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development.

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Appealing for Syria, Cardinal Zenari, Apostolic Nunzio, Repeats: ‘The Hardest Way to Be Killed Is In Silence’

The meeting is being attended by some 50 Catholic charity organizations, representatives of the local Episcopates and of Ecclesiastical Institutions and Religious Congregations, which operate in Syria, Iraq and neighboring countries including Lebanon and Jordan, and with their Apostolic Nunzios. ZENIT’s Senior Vatican Correspondent traveled to Jordan where she shared the plight of refugees, from Iraq and Syria.

«My thought,» the Holy Father expressed, «goes especially to the people who have had to leave their homes to flee from the horrors of war, in search of better conditions of life for themselves and for their dear ones.»

He remembered in a special way «the Christians constrained to abandon» the places where they were born and grew up, where their faith was developed and enriched.

«It’s necessary to have the Christian presence in these lands continue to be what it has always been: a sign of peace, of progress, of development and of reconciliation between persons and peoples.»

In second place, Francis said his thought goes to the refugees who wish to return to their countries.

«I make an appeal to the International Community, so that every effort is made to foster this return, guaranteeing conditions of safety and the necessary economic conditions so that this can come about. Every gesture, every effort in this sense is precious.»

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Among those giving interventions have been Vatican Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Paul Gallagher; the Apostolic Nuncio to Syria, Cardinal Mario Zenari; representatives of the Congregation for the Eastern Churches; Cardinal Peter Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Dignity; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Filippo Grandi.

The Christian population in Iraq, once about 1.5 million, now numbers several hundred thousand.

INTERVIEW: Baghdad Bishop: Despite 'Crisis of Faith' Today, 1st Trip of a Pope to Iraq Would Be Source of 'Great Joy'

The war that began in Syria in March 2011 has caused what the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has called “the greatest humanitarian crisis of our time.” According to 2016 data, the UN agency estimated that the humanitarian emergency has affected 13.5 million Syrians, including 6 million children. The majority, almost 9 million people, live in food insecurity, without access to basic supplies.

The Holy Father also addressed Catholic agencies that are involved in humanitarian aid, saying «a thought of encouragement goes to all of you, who, following the example of the Good Samaritan, do your utmost without reservations to welcome, care and accompany the immigrants and the displaced in these lands, without distinctions of creed or membership.»

«As I’ve been able to say so many times, the Church isn’t an NGO,» he said, noting: «Our charitable action must be inspired by and in the Gospel.»

Encouraging their efforts, the Pope scheduled to travel to Iraq March 5-8, 2021, concluded, imparting his Apostolic Blessing.

BREAKING: Pope Francis Will Visit Iraq in March


Here is a translation of the text of the videomessage:

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The Holy Father’s Video-Message

Dear Friends,

It is with joy that I address this affectionate greeting to you during this meeting, organized by the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, together with other entities of the Holy See, to discuss and reflect on the very grave problems that still today afflict the beloved populations of Syria, Iraq and neighbouring countries.

Every effort, small or great, made to foster the peace process is like putting a brick in the construction of a just society, which opens to hospitality, and where all can find a place to dwell in peace. My thought goes especially to the people who have had to leave their homes to flee from the horrors of war, in search of better conditions of life for themselves and for their dear ones. In particular, I remember the Christians constrained to abandon the places where they were born and grew up, where their faith was developed and enriched. It’s necessary to have the Christian presence in these lands continue to be what it has always been: a sign of peace, of progress, of development and of reconciliation between persons and peoples.

In the second place, my thought goes to the refugees who wish to return to their countries. I make an appeal to the International Community, so that every effort is made to foster this return, guaranteeing conditions of safety and the necessary economic conditions so that this can come about. Every gesture, every effort in this sense is precious.

One last reflection on the work of the Catholic agencies that are involved in humanitarian aid: a thought of encouragement goes to all of you, who, following the example of the Good Samaritan, do your utmost without reservations to welcome, care and accompany the immigrants and the displaced in these lands, without distinctions of creed or membership. As I’ve been able to say so many times, the Church isn’t an NGO. Our charitable action must be inspired by and in the Gospel. This aid must be a tangible sign of charity of a local Church that helps another Church that is suffering, through these wonderful means that are the Catholic agencies of humanitarian aid and development. A Church that helps another Church!

To end, I want you to know that when you find yourselves working in these places, you aren’t alone! The whole Church makes herself one with you, to go out to meet the wounded man set upon by brigands along the road from Jerusalem to Jericho. My blessing, which I gladly impart to you today, will always accompany your work, so that this meeting may bear in your countries abundant fruits of prosperity, of development and of peace, for a new life. Thank you!

[Original Text: Italian] [Vatican-provided text]

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‘St. John Paul II Was Deceived in the Case of McCarrick,’ Says President of Polish Bishops Fri, 13 Nov 2020 15:47:16 +0000 'Before McCarrick’s nomination to Washington, the Pope did not receive full and complete information about his moral behavior from the American bishops, and McCarrick himself lied—in a letter of 6 August 2000—, saying that he had no sexual relations with anyone'

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The report published on November 10thby the Holy See shows that Saint John Paul II was deceived regarding ex-Cardinal McCarrick, said the President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference, Archbishop Stanisław Gądecki.

“Before McCarrick’s nomination to Washington, the Pope did not receive full and complete information about his moral behavior from the American bishops, and McCarrick himself lied—in a letter of 6 August 2000—, saying that he had no sexual relations with anyone,” said the Metropolitan Archbishop of Poznan.

The President of the Polish Episcopate emphasized that the Church’s response to the report on ex-Cardinal McCarrick are the words Pope Francis pronounced at the Wednesday Audience, during which the Pope manifested his closeness to the victims of all forms of exploitation and stressed the need to root this evil out from the Church.

“The case of ex-Cardinal McCarrick is also harmful to St. John Paul II, who was cynically deceived by him,” emphasized the President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference.

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Vatican Confirms to ZENIT a Telephone Call Between Pope & Joe Biden Fri, 13 Nov 2020 11:06:26 +0000 Vatican Does Not Confirm Call's Contents, Nor Who Made It

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A telephone call between Pope Francis and U.S. President-elect, Joe Biden, took place yesterday, Nov. 12, 2020, the Vatican confirmed to ZENIT English.

The Holy See Press Office could not confirm the contents of the call nor who called whom.

The U.S. election results have sparked tension in the United States as the Trump Administration is formally disputing the winner, alleging that vote counting in key states was not done legally.

The US Bishops have sent best wishes to Joe Biden in a statement.


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Managing of Funds of Secretariat of State to APSA and of Their Control to Secretariat for Economy Thu, 05 Nov 2020 12:55:41 +0000 Statement of the Director of the Holy See Press Office

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Statement of the Director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni:

Passage of the Administrative Management of Funds of the Secretariat of State to the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See and of Their Control to the Secretariat for the Economy

Yesterday evening, November 4, 2020, the Holy Father presided over a meeting in which His Eminence Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State; His Excellency Monsignor Edgar Pena Parra, Substitute of the Secretariat of State; His Excellency Monsignor Fernando Vergez, Secretary General of the Governorate of Vatican City State; His Excellency Monsignor Nunzio Galantino, President of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See <and< Father Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves, Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy took part. The object of the meeting was to promote the implementation of what the Holy Father requested with the letter to the Secretary of State, dated August 25, 2020, on the passage of the administrative management of funds of the Secretariat of State to the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See and of their control to the Secretariat for the Economy. In the same meeting the Pope constituted the “Commission of Passage and Control,” which comes into operation with immediate effect, to bring to fulfilment in the next three the provisions of the letter to the Secretary of State.

The said Commission is made up of His Excellency Monsignor Edgar Pena Parra, Substitute of the Secretariat of Sate; His Excellency Monsignor Nunzio Galantino, President of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See and Father Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves, Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy.

[Vatican-provided statement]

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