Papal Envoys Visit Quake-Ravaged Gujarat

NEW DELHI, India, FEB. 9, 2001 ( John Paul II sent two special envoys to express his closeness to the victims of the earthquake that devastated the Indian state of Gujarat.

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They are the apostolic nuncio in the country, Archbishop Lorenzo Baldisseri, and Cardinal-designate Ivan Dias of Mumbai.

The papal envoys have gone to Bhuj to coordinate relief and rehabilitation work in the areas affected by the quake in Gujarat, even as financial assistance from Church organizations, particularly Caritas, continues to pour in from all over the world, the Catholic news agency SAR reported.

The Pope has made a personal donation of 5 million rupees (about $107,000), to be distributed by Archbishop Baldisseri for the common use in the dioceses of Ahmedabad, Baroda and Rajkot.

Christian institutions have also suffered damages. According to Bishop Gregory Karotemprel of Rajkot, who is also camping in Bhuj, «several Church institutions have been razed. The three-storied St. Xavier´s School building in Bachaw has collapsed and so have the priests´ residence and the convent.»

The Health Commission of the Catholic Episcopal Conference of India has called for a meeting of hospital administrators in Delhi, to coordinate health care in Bhuj.

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