
zenit began publishing in 1997, developing services in seven languages over the years: Spanish, English, French, German, Portuguese, Italian and Arabic. Its articles are reprinted in more than 100,000 communications outlets of various types: large and small television and radio channels, digests and reviews, portals, web pages, diocesan and parish bulletins. There are more than a half million subscribers who receive the daily service directly via email. Hundreds of thousands of people daily consult articles at our web site.

Special attention goes to themes related to the defense of life, social justice, bioethics, respect for human rights and religious liberty. Periodically, we publish exclusive investigative reports on social, political, and religious themes at the center of public debate.


Number of services sent so far: 220,000

Articles published so far: 560,000

Subscribers for the email service: 520,000

Number of language editions: seven (Spanish, English, French, Italian, Portuguese, German and Arabic)

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