Campaign in Switzerland Urges Ethical Investing

LUGANO, Switzerland, MAR. 30, 2001 ( In a nation with a reputation for secret bank accounts, two groups are making the effort to propose ethical investing.

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A campaign of sensitization and solidarity is being held this Lent by two organizations. The Lenten Sacrifice is supported by the Swiss Catholic bishops´ conference, while Bread for Brothers has the backing of Protestant and Reformed evangelical communities.

With the slogan «Profits and Money,» the Lenten campaign encourages Christians to put money at the service of life and justice. The funds contributed will be invested according to ethical principles, as opposed to being used for unethical objectives, such companies that make antipersonnel mines.

Oikocredit, an ecumenical cooperative for development, and Alternative Swiss Bank are participating in the initiative.

The campaign promoted by Lenten Sacrifice and Bread for Brothers has been active for 40 years and attracted $400 million.

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