John Paul II´s Words at End of Beatification Mass

VALLETTA, Malta, MAY 9, 2001 ( Here is the text of John Paul II´s address at the end of the Mass of beatification for three Maltese today.

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Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I wish to thank you for your devoted participation in this liturgy. With prayer and song we have shared in the great joy of the Church in declaring Blessed two sons of these Islands and a nun who spent the major part of her life here in exemplary consecration.

When you return home, take the Pope’s blessing to your relatives and neighbours who have not been able to be here.

In particular, I wish to mention with affection and solidarity some categories of people who are not present here physically but who have certainly been united with us in spirit.

A cordial remembrance of the inhabitants of the Island of Gozo, which I have not been able to visit this time.

I send a special greeting to the Nuns belonging to the six cloistered religious communities. I know that they pray for the Pope every day. Dear Sisters, I thank you and ask you to continue to be the spiritual pillars of the Church.

I remember and feel very close to the elderly. To the sick I say: have hope and be strong! You can contribute so much to Christ’s work of redemption, by uniting your sufferings to those of the Crucified Lord.

Now, with particular warmth I greet the inmates of the Corradino Corrective Facility. I know that it was your great desire to have, together with your relatives and friends, a visit by the Pope in memory of Saint Paul, the prisoner Apostle. But this has not been possible. I embrace you all, spiritually, and I invoke upon you abundant divine graces. God bless you all!

Ikun imfahhar Gesù Kristu! [Praised be Jesus Christ!]

[Original text: English; supplied by Vatican]

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