Hope of Heaven Doesn't Dispense Us From Daily Duties, Says Cardinal

Homily at Closing of a Marian Congress

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CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, APRIL 30, 2003 (Zenit.org).- The hope of heaven does not remove a Christian from his daily commitments in this world, says Cardinal Angelo Sodano.

During the homily of the Mass celebrated on the last day of the international Marian congress entitled «To Contemplate Christ Through the Eyes of Mary,» the Vatican secretary of state reflected on the Virgin as «Gate of Heaven.»

«The vision of heaven casts a powerful ray of light on our earthly existence … [but] it should not remove us from our daily commitments,» the cardinal said.

«In every Christian the maternal figure of Mary, who awaits us at the gate of heaven, inspires a thought of profound hope» and «confirms us in our Christian view of life as a pilgrimage toward eternity,» he added.

Although «this vision of eternity has been atrophied in part by contemporary culture, Christ’s disciples know very well that they are pilgrims on earth,» the cardinal said.

Referring to the parable of the talents, Cardinal Sodano explained that «each one of us must make the gifts God has given him come to fruition, to be able to restore them one day a hundredfold.»

«Faithfulness to daily duties» infuses «in the Christian the certainty of doing God’s will,» he concluded.

For more details on the congress organized by the Focolare Movement, see http://focolare.tiscalioffice.it.

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