International Congress "Family – Child – State" at Kiev

KIEV, MAY 16, 2003 ( Experts in the family, politicians and teachers will attend international congress entitled «Family – Child – State,» organized by Ukraine’s Pro Human Dignity charitable endowment, Fides missionary agency reports.

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Participants to attend the congress include experts in family rights, childhood and motherhood protection, medics, teachers and politicians coming from Ukraine, Byelorussia, Russia, United States, Great Britain, Switzerland, Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, and Croatia. They will address conjugality and family values.

Among the congress’ participants are Cardinal Lopez Trujillo, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, renowned scientist and bio-ethicist Bishop Elio Sgreccia, vice-president of the Pontifical Academy for Life, and representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate), Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kiev Patriarchate), and leaders of other Ukrainian congregations.

The first two days of the congress will be held at Ukrainian House Art Palace, in Kiev. On Friday, May 15, more than 100 scientists from all parts of Ukraine were attending an international scientific symposium on «Artificial Procreation Technologies and the Future of Ukraine,» at the palace. They planned to discuss the medical, ethical, ideological and educational aspects of the problem, in relation to the country’s future.

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