Papal Address for the Close of Eucharistic Congress

Linked Via TV to Guadalajara

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VATICAN CITY, OCT. 17, 2004 ( Here is a translation of the address John Paul II delivered today from St. Peter’s Basilica, via television, to the faithful in Guadalajara, Mexico. The latter were participating in the closure of the International Eucharistic Congress.

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1. «Know that I am with you always, to the close of the age» (Matthew 28:20).

Gathered before the Eucharist, we feel with particular intensity at this moment the truth of Christ’s promise: He is with us!

I greet all of you who are in Guadalajara to participate in the conclusion of the International Eucharistic Congress. In particular, Cardinal Jozef Tomko, my legate; Cardinal Juan Sandoval Íñiguez, archbishop of Guadalajara; the lord cardinals, archbishops, bishops, and priests of Mexico and of many other countries who are present.

I also greet all the faithful of Guadalajara, of Mexico, and of other parts of the world, united with us in adoration of the Eucharistic mystery.

2. The television connection between St. Peter’s Basilica, heart of Christianity, and Guadalajara, venue of the congress, is like a bridge stretching between the continents, which makes our prayer meeting an ideal «Statio Orbis,» in which all believers worldwide are united. The point of encounter is Jesus himself, really present in the Most Holy Eucharist with his mystery of death and resurrection, in which heaven and earth are united, and the different peoples and cultures come together. Christ is «our peace, who has made us both one people» (Ephesians 2:14).

3. «The Eucharist, Light and Life of the New Millennium.» The theme of the congress invites us to consider the Eucharistic mystery, not only in itself, but also in relation to the problems of our time.
see «Mane Nobiscum Domine,» Chapters 3 and 4).

Following the example of Mary, «Eucharistic woman» («Ecclesia de Eucharistia,» Chapter 6), the Christian community will live from this mystery. Consolidated by the «bread of eternal life,» it will be presence of light and life, ferment of evangelization and solidarity.

6. «Mane nobiscum, Domine!» As the two disciples of the Gospel, we implore you, Lord Jesus: Stay with us!

You, Divine Pilgrim, expert on our paths and knower of our hearts, do not leave us prisoners of the shadows of night.

Protect us in exhaustion, forgive our sins, guide our steps on the way of goodness.

Bless the children, young people, the elderly, families and, particularly, the sick. Bless priests and consecrated persons. Bless the whole of humanity.

In the Eucharist you have made yourself «medicine of immortality»: Give us the taste of a full life, which will help us walk on this earth as sure and joyful pilgrims, always looking at the goal of a life without end.

Stay with us, Lord! Stay with us! Amen.

[Translation by ZENIT]

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