Agostino Cacciavillan to Ivan Dias

VATICAN CITY, APRIL 7, 2005 ( This is another installment of biographical sketches of the cardinals who are eligible to have a role in electing the next pope.

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Agostino Cacciavillan, 78
Retired president of Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See

Agostino Cacciavillan was born Aug. 14, 1926, in Novale di Valdagno, Italy. He was ordained for the Diocese of Vicenza in June 1949.

He served as a curate for three years before earning advanced degrees in social science and law and attending the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy, Rome. He was later posted to the Philippines, Spain, Portugal and the Vatican Secretariat of State.

In January 1976 Pope Paul VI appointed him apostolic pro-nuncio in Kenya and apostolic delegate in Seychelles. He received episcopal ordination that Feb. 28. Other posts included apostolic pro-nuncio in India (1981) and pro-nuncio in Nepal (1985), apostolic nuncio in the United States and permanent observer at the Organization of American States (1990).

He was named president of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See in November 1998. He retired from that post Oct. 1, 2002. He was elevated to cardinal in February 2001.

Curial membership:

* Eastern Churches, Bishops, Evangelization of Peoples; Sainthood Causes (congregations)
* Apostolic Signature (tribunal)
* Legislative Texts (council)
* Latin America, Vatican City State (commission)

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Ricardo María Carles Gordó, 78
Retired archbishop of Barcelona, Spain

Ricardo María Carles Gordó was born in Valencia, Spain, on Sept. 24, 1926. He entered the Major Seminary of the Archdiocese of Valencia and was ordained a priest in June 1951. He obtained a degree in canon law at the Pontifical University of Salamanca in 1953.

In June 1969 he was named bishop of Tortosa and received episcopal ordination that Aug. 3.

In March 1990, the Pope named him archbishop of Barcelona; he took over the post that May 27. He was elevated to cardinal in November 1994. He retired from the Barcelona Archdiocese last June 15.

Curial membership:

* Catholic Education (congregation)
* Economic Affairs of the Holy See (office)
* Council of Cardinals for the Study of Organizational and Economic Affairs of the Holy See

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Darío Castrillón Hoyos, 75
Prefect of the Congregation for Clergy

Darío Castrillón Hoyos was born July 4, 1929, in Medellin, Colombia. He was ordained for the Archdiocese of Medellín in October 1952 following his theological studies at the Gregorian University, Rome, where he also earned a doctorate in canon law. He also specialized in religious sociology, political economy and ethics in economy.

He served as a curate in two rural parishes, director of the Cursillo movement and delegate for Catholic Action. He also taught canon law at the Free Civil University and was General Secretary of the Colombian Bishops’ Conference.

In June 1971 he was named coadjutor bishop of Pereira, received episcopal ordination that July 18, and succeeded the bishop on July 1, 1976.

From 1983 to 1987 he was general secretary of the Latin American bishops’ council (CELAM) and president of the same council from 1987 to 1991.

Named archbishop of Bucaramanga in December 1992, he was called by the Holy Father to head the Congregation for Clergy in June 1996 as pro-prefect.

During the Special Assembly for America of the Synod of Bishops held Nov. 16-Dec. 12, 1998, he served as president delegate and member of the postsynodal council.

He was elevated to cardinal in February 1998. He was named president of the Pontifical Commission «Ecclesia Dei» in April 2000.

Curial membership:

* Bishops, Evangelization of Peoples, Catholic Education, Clergy, Divine Worship and the Sacraments (congregations)
* Legislative Texts, Social Communications (councils)
* Latin America (commission)
* Administration of Patrimony of the Holy See (office)
* Special Council for America of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops

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Marco Cé, 79
Retired patriarch of Venice, Italy

Marco Cé was born July 8, 1925, in Izano, Italy, into a modest farming family. He did theological studies in Rome at the Gregorian University and at the Pontifical Biblical Institute, where he received a doctorate in dogmatic theology and a licentiate in sacred Scripture.

After his ordination in March 1948, he returned to his diocese and became vice rector of the seminary and taught sacred Scripture. In 1957, he was named rector of the seminary.

In April 1970, Pope Paul VI appointed him auxiliary bishop of Bologna. He received episcopal ordination that May 17.

In April 1976, Paul VI named him the chaplain to Catholic Action. In December 1978, John Paul II asked him to take on the Patriarchate of Venice, a post he retired from on Jan. 5, 2002. He was elevated to cardinal in June 1979.

Curial membership:

* Eastern Churches (congregation)

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Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne, 61
Archbishop of Lima and primate of Peru

Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne was born Dec. 28, 1943, in Lima. A champion basketball player, he studied industrial engineering at the National Institute of Engineering and joined Opus Dei in 1962. After working as an engineer, he was ordained for the prelature in August 1977 and holds a doctorate in theology from the University of Navarre.

He did pastoral work in Lima and taught moral theology at the Pontifical Faculty of Theology. He was later regional vicar for Peru and vice chancellor of the University of Piura.

In May 1988 he was appointed auxiliary bishop of Ayacucho, receiving episcopal ordination that July 3. He was promoted to archbishop of Ayacucho in May 1995.

He tried to negotiate a peaceful resolution to the siege of the Japanese ambassador’s residence in Lima (December 1996 to April 1997) and ministered to the Japanese and Peruvian hostages.

He was named archbishop of Lima in January 1999 and elevated to cardinal in February 2001.

Curial membership:
* Divine Worship and the Sacraments, Sainthood Causes (congregations)
* Latin America (commission)

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Desmond Connell, 79
Retired archbishop of Dublin, Ireland

Desmond Connell was born March 24, 1926, in Phibsboro, Ireland. He was ordained for the Archdiocese of Dublin in May 1951 and holds a doctorate in philosophy from the Catholic University of Louvain.

In 1953 he started teaching in the Department of Metaphysics at University College Dublin, where he was appointed professor of general metaphysics in 1972 and elected dean of the School of Philosophy and Sociology in 1983.

He also served as chaplain to the Poor Clares in Donnybrook, the Carmelites in Drumcondra and the Carmelites in Blackrock.

He was appointed archbishop of Dublin in January 1988 and received episcopal ordination that March 6. He was elevated to cardinal in February 2001, and retired as archbishop of Dublin in April 2004.

Curial membership:<br>
* Doctrine of the Faith, Bishops (congregations)
* Laity (council)

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José da Cruz Policarpo, 69
Patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal

José da Cruz Policarpo was born Feb. 26, 1936, in Alvorninha, Portugal. He was ordained in August 1961 for the Patriarchate of Lisbon and holds a doctorate in theology from the Gregorian University, Rome.

He was director of the seminary in Penafirme, rector of the seminary in Olivais and dean of the Theological Faculty of the Portuguese Catholic University. He later served two terms as rector of the same university (1988-96). He is the author of a number of books and scholarly articles.

In May 1978 he was appointed auxiliary bishop of Lisbon, receiving episcopal ordination that June 29. In March 1997 he was appointed coadjutor archbishop of Lisbon and succeeded Cardinal António Ribeiro as patriarch in March 1998. He is also grand chancellor
of the Portuguese Catholic University and president of the Portuguese bishops’ conference.

He was elevated to cardinal in February 2001.

Curial membership:

* Catholic Education (congregation)
* Laity, Culture (councils)

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Godfried Danneels, 71
Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels, Belgium

Godfried Danneels was born June 4, 1933, in Kanegem, in Eastern Flanders. He earned a licentiate in theology at the Higher Institute of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Louvain in 1954, and in 1961, a doctorate at the Gregorian University of Rome.

In August 1957, he was ordained a priest, and in 1959, he became spiritual director of the major seminary of Bruges. Ten years later he became professor of theology at the Flemish Catholic University of Louvain and in November 1977 he was named bishop of Antwerp by Pope Paul VI. He was ordained a bishop in December 1977.

In 1978 Pope John Paul II designated him a president delegate of the Special Synod for the Netherlands. He was relator of the second general extraordinary assembly of the Synod of Bishops (1985).

In December 1979, he was named archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels. He was elevated to cardinal in February 1983.

Cardinal Daneels is the military ordinary for Belgium and president of the Belgian bishops’ conference.

Curial membership:

* Secretariat of State (second section)
* Eastern Churches, Divine Worship and the Sacraments, Evangelization of Peoples, Catholic Education (congregations)
* Ordinary Council of General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops

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Ignace Moussa I Daoud, 74
Prefect of the Congregation for Eastern Churches

Ignace Moussa I Daoud was born Sept. 18, 1930, in Meskaneh, Syria. He was ordained in October 1954 and holds a licentiate in canon law from the Lateran University, Rome.

In July 1977 he was elected by the Syrian Patriarchal Synod as Bishop of Cairo, Egypt, and ordained that Sept. 18. He was a member of the Commission for the Revision of the Eastern Code of Canon Law and chaired the commission that translated the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches into Arabic.

In July 1994 he was promoted to archbishop of Homs for Syrians, Syria. In October 1998 he was elected patriarch of Antioch for Syrians and enthroned Oct. 25.

In November 2000 he was appointed prefect of the Congregation for Eastern Churches. He stepped down as patriarch of Antioch in January 2001. He was elevated to cardinal in February 2001.

Curial membership:

* Doctrine of the Faith, Sainthood Causes (congregation)
* Christian Unity, Legislative Texts (council)
* Special Council for Lebanon of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops

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Julius Riyadi Darmaatmadja, 70
Archbishop of Jakarta, Indonesia

Julius Riyadi Darmaatmadja was born Dec. 20, 1934, in Muntilan, Indonesia. Baptized in December 1934, in the Archdiocese of Semarang, he was confirmed in June 1947.

In September 1957 he entered a novitiate of the Society of Jesus in Giri Sonta-Klepu, Central Java, and took his first vows there in September 1959.

In 1964 he received his licentiate in philosophy at De Nobili College, a pontifical athenaeum in Poona, India. In December of that year he was ordained to the priesthood.

He served as provincial of the Indonesian Province of the Society of Jesus from 1981 to 1983. In February 1983 he was appointed archbishop of Semarang and he received episcopal ordination that June 29.

In January 1996 he was appointed archbishop of Jakarta. He has been the military ordinary for Indonesia since June 1984. He was elevated to cardinal in November 1994.

Curial membership:

* Evangelization of Peoples (congregation)
* Interreligious Dialogue, Culture (councils)
* Special Council for Asia of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops

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Salvatore De Giorgi, 74
Archbishop of Palermo, Italy

Salvatore De Giorgi was born Sept. 6, 1930, in Vernole, Italy. He was ordained for the Diocese of Lecce in June 1953.

In November 1973 he was appointed auxiliary bishop of Oria and became bishop of that see in March 1978. In April 1981 he was appointed archbishop of Foggia and in October 1987 he was appointed archbishop of Taranto.

In 1990 he was named general chaplain of Catholic Action, consultor for the Congregation for Bishops and member of the Pontifical Council for the Family, and resigned as archbishop of Taranto. In April 1996 he was appointed archbishop of Palermo and was elected president of the Sicilian episcopal conference.

He was elevated to cardinal in February 1998.

Curial membership:

* Clergy (congregation)
* Laity, Family (councils)

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Ivan Dias, 68
Archbishop of Bombay, India

Ivan Dias was born April 14, 1936, in Bombay, India. He was ordained for the Archdiocese of Bombay in December 1958 and holds a doctorate in canon law from the Lateran University, Rome.

He entered the Holy See’s diplomatic service in 1964 and was posted to the Nordic countries, Indonesia, Madagascar, Réunion, the Comorros, Mauritius and the Secretariat of State.

In May 1982 he was appointed apostolic pro-nuncio in Ghana, Togo and Benin, and received episcopal ordination that June 19. He later served as apostolic nuncio in Korea (1987-91) and Albania (1991-97).

In November 1996 he was appointed archbishop of Bombay. He was elevated to cardinal in February 2001.

Curial membership:

* Doctrine of the Faith, Divine Worship and the Sacraments, Catholic Education (congregations)
* Culture, Laity (councils)
* Cultural Heritage of the Church (commission)
* Economic Affairs of the Holy See (office)
* Council of Cardinals for the Study of Organizational and Economic Affairs of the Holy See

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