During his greetings at the conclusion of the general audience, he made special mention of the Poles, thanking them for their prayers during his trip last week to Cyprus.

The Holy Father also noted last Sunday's beatification of the chaplain of the Solidarity Movement, Father Jerzy Popieluszko, who was killed by the Communist secret police in 1984.

"The new Polish Blessed Father Jerzy Popieluszko taught love and solidarity toward those in need of spiritual and material support," the Pontiff said. "I entrust to his protection all those who are suffering from landslides and those who take aid to them. May God bless you!"

Traditional closing

Benedict XVI went on to conclude the general audience with his customary greeting to youth, the sick and newlyweds.

He said: "Dear young people, continue to be committed with your characteristic enthusiasm to the building of a civilization whose foundations are truth and love, peace and solidarity.

"Dear sick, unite your sufferings to the infinite love of the Heart of Christ for the salvation of humanity. Dear newlyweds, know how to progress ever more on the path of love and mutual respect."