Argentine Bishops Address Challenge of Same-Sex "Marriage"

Note Challenges for Catholic Schools, Families

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BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, AUG. 19, 2010 ( The Permanent Commission of the Argentina Episcopal Conference concluded a three-day meeting that was dominated by discussion on strategy, now that Argentina has established a nationwide recognition of same-sex «marriages.»

Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, archbishop of Buenos Aires, led the meeting of about 20 prelates, who analyzed statutory questions, heard reports from various commissions and made progress in applying the Continental Mission in the country’s dioceses.

Spokesman Father Jorge Oesterheld noted the impact the new «marriage» law will have on the education of future generations.

Despite widespread public protest, Argentina passed the law in mid July.

«The coming into force of the law poses renewed challenges, such as the way to address this new reality in education, particularly in Catholic schools, with docents and pupils. And also how to manage the subject in Catholic families themselves,» he indicated.

Other issues

The prelates also discussed other issues for the Church in Argentina, including the «More for Less» national collection for the poor, and a program on political participation that aims to recover politics as a service to life, the family, the poor and society, as well as the integral development of the whole person and of all persons.

The bishops also heard about progress on the first national conference on social doctrine, which will be held in 2011, and a national catechetical congress that is also upcoming.

The prelates also prepared the topics for the next meeting of the 100th Plenary Assembly, to be held Nov. 8-13.

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