ZENIT Columnist Awarded Cardinal Stafford Chair

DENVER, Colorado, FEB. 4, 2011 (Zenit.org).- E. Christian Brugger, a bioethics columnist for ZENIT and senior fellow in ethics at the Culture of Life Foundation, is the recipient of the James Francis Cardinal Stafford Chair of Moral Theology at the Archdiocese of Denver’s St. John Vianney Theological Seminary.

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According to the Denver Catholic Register, the Cardinal Stafford Chair is the first endowed chair for the seminary, and will be responsible for organizing lectures in moral theology and advising the archdiocese.

Brugger has been an associate professor of moral theology at Denver’s seminary since 2008. He has master degrees in moral theology and philosophy from Seton Hall, Harvard and Oxford Universities, and received his doctorate in philosophy from Oxford in 2000. 

His areas of scholarly interest are bioethics, natural law, action theory, integration of psychology and philosophy, marriage, family and sexual ethics, and capital punishment. 

He is the author of «Capital Punishment and Roman Catholic Moral Tradition» (Notre Dame Press, 2003), and has published widely on topics in moral theology and philosophy in journals such as the Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy, The Heythrop Journal, The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, The Thomist, Communio, Josephenum Journal of Theology, National Review On-Line, First Things, and New Oxford Review. 

Dr. Brugger lives in Lone Tree, Colorado, with his wife, Melissa, and four children. 

In 2008, he became as senior fellow in ethics at the Culture of Life Foundation, and in 2009, a bioethics columnist for ZENIT.

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