Church in Colombia Responds to Guerrilla Leader's Death

BOGOTA, Colombia, NOV. 7, 2011 ( The Catholic Church in Colombia is reiterating its call for dialogue after the leader of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) was killed Friday.

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Guillermo León Saenz Vargas, alias Alfonso Cano, was killed by the Colombian army in a raid on his camp.

Bishop Juan Vicente Cordoba Villota, secretary-general of the Colombian episcopal conference, told the media that he did not rejoice over Cano’s death, but was grateful to the military for carrying out their mission.

He added his hopes that Cano’s death «might open paths for dialogue and reconciliation.»

«Violence brings more violence, although at times it is justified when it is in defense of one’s life or of a country’s order,» the prelate said. «However, it’s not the ideal way. As Church, we wish to propose that the path to peace is dialogue.»

The 60-year-old bishop also reiterated the Church’s willingness to mediate in the peace process.

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