Nuns, Vatican Delegates Report 'Open and Cordial' Meeting

Leadership Conference of Women Religious to Continue Conversation With Bishops

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BALTIMORE, Maryland, NOV. 14, 2012 ( According to a joint statement released Monday, the presidency of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious has had preliminary discussions with the bishops charged by the Vatican to assist in the renewal of the nuns’ group.

The statement was issued by Archbishop Peter Sartain of Seattle, Washington, and Sister Florence Deacon, OSF. The meeting was held Sunday, the day before the statement was released.

Archbishop Sartain, along with Bishop Leonard Blair and Bishop Thomas John Paprocki are the prelates assigned by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to help the women religious conference on a path to renewal.

The presidency of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious is Sister Florence Deacon, OSF, Sister Pat Farrell, OSF, and Sister Carol Zinn, SSJ; the LCWR executive director is Sister Janet Mock, CSJ.

A one-sentence summary of the meeting reported, «The discussion was open and cordial and those present agreed to meet again to continue the conversation.»

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