US Bishops Resolve to Improve Sunday Homilies

Also Call Catholics to More Frequent Confession

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BALTIMORE, Maryland, NOV. 14, 2012 ( The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops today adopted a new document on preaching, «Preaching the Mystery of Faith: The Sunday Homily.»

Overwhelming approval of the document came during the second day of the bishops’ fall assembly, under way in Baltimore.

The prelates also issued a message inviting Catholics to more frequent participation in the Sacrament of Penance, approved their 2013-2016 strategic plan, and advanced the canonization cause of Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker movement

The new strategic plan focuses on the New Evangelization.

Cardinal Timothy Dolan, president of the USCCB, led the bishops in discussion on the canonization cause, in his role as archbishop of New York, which is overseeing the cause. The bishops approved the advancement of Day’s cause in a voice vote.

The bishops also approved adding the optional memorial of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos to the U.S. liturgical calendar.

The bishops rejected a proposed document, «The Hope of the Gospel in Difficult Economic Times.» The message received a vote of 134-85-9, falling short of a necessary two-thirds majority.

The fall assembly can be followed at the bishops’ Web site. Publicity includes a Twitter feed as well as a live stream of the public sessions. Catholic News Service  is providing news at that page. Links to the agenda, speeches, votes and other material can also be found there.

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On the Net:

USCCB fall assembly home page:

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