US-Based Catholic Relief Services Joins Campaign to End Hunger

‘Global Wave of Prayer’ Scheduled for Tuesday

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The committees of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops dealing with international and domestic justice issues have joined Pope Francis and Caritas Internationalis in a global campaign to combat hunger, which begins Tuesday and runs through May 2015.

The committees moved to join the campaign during their joint meeting today at the USCCB headquarters in Washington.

The campaign, “One Human Family, Food for All,” begins with a global wave of prayer, at noon in every time zone on Earth, Tuesday, December 10. This will include a Mass offered by Bishop Richard Pates of Des Moines, Iowa, chairman of the bishops’ Committee on International Justice and Peace, at the USCCB headquarters, and prayer services coordinated around the world by Catholic Relief Services (CRS) regional offices.

“The bishops of the United States stand with Pope Francis in his call to end world hunger,” said Bishop Pates and Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski of Miami, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, on behalf of their committees. “Since his election, Pope Francis has challenged Catholics and all people to go beyond the boundaries of their own lives and encounter the poor and marginalized. As legislators in Washington deliberate how to allocate budget resources to the many people who are hungry, both in our country and around the world, this campaign gives all of us an opportunity to turn awareness into action.”

Resources for the campaign are available in English and Spanish at: . . 

USCCB’s partner organizations CRS and Catholic Charities USA are members of Caritas Internationalis, a global confederation of 165 Catholic organizations working in humanitarian emergencies and international development.

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