Bishop Urges US Senate to Support Local Cable Channels

Says Community Religious Programs Are Important for Elderly, Homebound

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The U.S. Senate should support local cable channels and the programming they carry by supporting a bill that preserves them, said the chairman of the Committee on Communications of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

Bishop John C. Wester of Salt Lake City urged support for the Community Access Preservation Act (S. 1789), which would provide “reliable funding” to Public, Educational and Government (PEG) channels, in a December 11 letter.

“In a time when religious programming faces increasing challenges to its voice being given an equal platform, PEG channels offer a venue for these programs to be accessed,” wrote Bishop Wester. “This is of particular importance for the elderly, disabled or homebound who long to remain connected to their religious communities but are unable to take part in their religious or community activities.”

Bishop Wester noted the disappearance of PEG channels as a result of new state cable laws that failed to include funding.

The full text of Bishop Wester’s letter is available

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