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Grand Imam of Al-Azhar: What Heads of Churches Who Accept Gay Marriage in US Will Say to Jesus

Egyptian Sheikh Amhed al Tayyeb Also Decries Gay Marriage, Rights Being Used as Political Tactic

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The Grand Imam of Al-Azhar has asked, «What will the heads of Churches in the US that accept gay marriage say to Jesus?»
According to Fides, Egyptian sheikh Amhed al Tayyeb, grand imam of a Sunni Islamic university Al Azhar, has lamented the spread of attitudes encouraging homosexuality in the West, and noted, «unfortunately some Heads of Churches in the United States accept same-sex marriages.»
The Grand Imam made these statements during a meeting with questions and answers that took place at the Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah, in South Tangerang, Indonesia, considered to be the most prestigious Sunni theological academy in Indonesia.
«I wonder what is left of the Bible in those Churches. And what will they say in front of Jesus, peace be upon him,» the Grand Imam said.
The Grand Imam expressed his thoughts regarding the choices of some American Christian groups – like the Presbyterian Church USA – that have recently changed their internal statutes in order to recognize marriages between persons of the same sex.
Grand Imam al Tayeeb also added that gay groups are involved in election campaigns, and the homosexual question is used as the theme, or as a way, to achieve political consensus.
The grand imam was in Indonesia for the first time to meet with President Joko Joko Widodo, and to attend an international meeting organized by the Muslim Council of Elders, an organization based in Abu Dhabi, intended to promote greater tolerance between the different trends of Islam.
In this historical moment, the biggest challenge within the Islamic world, the grand imam said, is the fact that «the differences between the doctrines are not tolerated, and become rather a pretext for violence.»
«There is no harm in following a particular school or doctrine, but no one can claim to exclusively represent the true and authentic Islam,»  the Grand Imam of Al Azhar noted, explaining that the war that destroyed Syria, Iraq and Yemen «was caused by the division between Shiites and Sunnis.»

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