The Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI Vatican Foundation organized this Thursday a meeting at the Patristico Augustinianum Institute in Rome, for the Pope Emeritus’ 90th birthday, which he will celebrate on April 16.
After the greetings of Father Giuseppe Caruso, Rector of the Augustinianum and of Salesian Father Giuseppe Costa, Director of the Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Farther Federico Lombardi, SJ, President of the Ratzinger Foundation and former Director of the Holy See Press Office took the floor.
Father Lombardi presented the book Cooperatores Veritatis, written in honor of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, on the occasion of his 90th birthday, <edited> by him and by Pierluca Azzaro. The work gathers the contributions of the 13 scholars who, since 2011 up to today, were awarded the Ratzinger Prize.
Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and member of the Foundation’s Scientific Committee, will speak on the theme “A Symphony of Love and Truth in Freedom. Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI Grateful Witness of Paschal Faith.”
The book is “an original way to come in contact with an international group of prestigious scholars who have addressed Joseph Ratzinger’s thought,” writes Father Lombardi in the Introduction.
The authors of the essays are Monsignor Inos Biffi; French philosopher Remi Brague; Anglican biblicist Richar Burridge; Polish theologian Monsignor Waldemar Chrostowski; U.S. Jesuit Brian E. Daley; Brazilian Jesuit Mario De Franca Miranda; Spanish theologian Olegario Gonzalez de Cardedal; Cistercian Abbot Maximilian Heim of Heiligenkreuz, Austria; Lebanese scholar Nabil el-Khoury; Greek-Orthodox theologian Ioannis Kourempeles; French theologian Anne-Marie Pelletier; German theologian Christian Schaller, Curator of the Opera Omnia of Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI, and Italian Manlio Simonetti, expert in Patristics.

Pope Emeritus, Benedict XVI
For Benedict XVI’s 90th Birthday, a Literary Event in Rome
Book “Cooperatores Veritats” Is Presented in Honor of the Pope Emeritus