The prison in question has seen present between its walls in time some notorious criminals, particularly of the mafias and of Italian terrorism. It is a particular institute because it is dedicated to informants, collaborators of justice. The detainees are employed inside the establishment in works of restoration, care of the vegetable garden and other productive activities, such as an internal pizzeria.
Thus, Pope Francis continues the tradition of celebrating Mass in Caena Domini and carrying out the rite of the washing of the feet in places that can be identified with those that he, himself, describes as “existential peripheries.” Last year, Bergoglio celebrated Holy Thursday at C.A.R.A (reception center of those requesting asylum) of Castelnuovo di Porto, near Rome. In 2015, he went to the Roman prison of Rebibbia, whereas in the previous year (2014) he opted for the Don Gnocchi Foundation–Saint Mary of Providence Center, which houses disabled persons and those who are not self-sufficient. In 2013, the first Holy Week Francis lived as Pontiff, he went to Casal del Marmo, in Rome, a prison for minors.

Pope Will Celebrate Holy Thursday Mass in Paliano Prison
The Institute of Paliano, near Frosinone, Was Chosen to Celebrate the Mass in Caena Domini, with the Rite of the Washing of the Feet of Some Detainees
“On the afternoon of Thursday, April 13, the Holy Father Francis will go to Paliano Prison (in the Province of Frosinone, Diocese of Palestrina) to celebrate the Mass ‘in coena Domini,’ with the rite of the washing of the feet of some of the detainees, reported the Holy See Press Office, specifying that “the visit will be of a strictly private nature.”