“I am happy to receive the participants in the 50th Congress for University students, promoted by the Opus Dei Prelature, dedicated to a reflection on the theme of ‘A World in Movement,’” said Pope Francis today, April 12, 2017, at the end of the General Audience of Holy Wednesday.
As in other years, during Holy Week students from more than 150 universities from all over the world gather in Rome for UNIV 2017. The subjects for reflection this year are ”A World in Movement” and “Shaping a Hospitable World.” As the Opus Dei site states, the annual meeting is geared to “university students who wish to reflect further, with the Successor of Peter, on the meaning of Holy Week and Easter.”
The Pope concluded, saying to all the pilgrims present in St. Peter’s Square: “May the visit to the Eternal City, on the occasion of Easter, be a fruitful occasion to rediscover the joy of giving, which fills the heart more than having.”

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Francis Receives University Students of Opus Dei
Pope Greets Participants in 50th Congress for University Students