Two paintings of Chinese artist Zhang Yan will be offered to Pope Francis tomorrow, May 31, 2017, “in the name of the Chinese people,’ by Zhu Jiancheng, Secretary General of the China Culture Industrial Investment Fund (CCIIF), pointed out a press release of the University of the Holy Cross.
The CCIIF depends on the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China and its mission is to promote and diffuse traditional Chinese culture.
A gesture that is situated in the wake of “The Diplomacy of Art,” a meeting organized at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross of Rome on Thursday, June 1, 2017, with Zhu Jiancheng and the Chinese artist Zhang Yan.
Here is a presentation of CCIIF and of its Secretary General, published by the same source in Italian.
The China Culture Industrial Investment Fund
The China Culture Industrial Investment fund (CCIIF) is a placement fund with a wide range of action, established in 2011 by the Chinese government with the subscription of important public cultural enterprises, large State-controlled agencies and the largest financial institutions on the basis of the Plan of Promotion of the Chinese Cultural Industry going back to 2009. The Fund is managed directly by the Chinese Ministry of Finance. The aim of the Fund is to support and promote the integration of culture and business as well as to diffuse traditional Chinese culture in the world. It works as strategic investor in different sectors of culture, including television and media, cinematographic productions, the press and editorial distribution, tourism, and cultural events, layouts of museums and artistic exhibitions, visual and entertainment arts, etc.
Its Secretary General is Zhu Jiancheng and its resources are 20 billion RMB.
Being the unique fund for the cultural industry at the national level, the CCIIF is able to promote cultural innovation and industrial modernization, integrating the cultural industry with other important industries, improving quality in the development of the cultural industry, promoting traditional Chinese culture and making an effort to obtain the creative transformation and innovation of the traditional culture. It is a strategic investor for the development of the national cultural sector.
With the aim of divulging Chinese culture in other countries, the CCIIF accords great importance to public diplomacy and cultural exchanges. The Secretary General Zhu Jiancheng has developed a vast activity and deepened cultural communication and cooperation with different Heads of State, among whom are the President of Israel Shimon Peres, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Cambodian Prince Chea Sim, the Prince of the Low Countries of Orange, as well as international organizations, such as UNIDO, the World Green Design Organization and the World Cities Culture Forum, not forgetting the directors, producers and other cultural elites of Hollywood.
Its Secretary General Zhu Jiancheng
With funds of the initiative “One Belt One Road” the Secretary General Zhu Jiancheng has made an effort to promote the unique position of the CCIIF Funds as a national entity and he works to push the innovative model of economic cooperation between China and friendly countries as well as the creation of non-sovereign common investment funds, such as the China-Italy Funds, the China-Philippine Funds and the China-Australia Funds to promote cultural and artistic exchanges and communication between interested countries with “One Belt One Road.”
Zhu Jiancheng, born in November of 1964, has a Licentiate and a Master’s degree, is the present Secretary General of the CCIIF, had a long professional career at the Ministry of Finance where he filled different roles, including the management of human resources, financial investments, the management of the cultural industry and cultural exchanges, etc.

China: Two Paintings of Artist Zhang Yan Will Be Offered to Pope Francis
A Gesture of CCIIF, “in the Name of the Chinese People”