© Vatican Media

Santa Marta: Christians Must Resist Corruption

Can’t be Naïve When Facing the Powerful

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«If there is one thing that the Christian cannot afford, it is to be naive,» especially in the face of the «power» of the «corrupt,» said Pope Francis.
It is indeed the «Christian trick» that allows resisting the «corrupt» that the Pope spoke of during his homily at Mass on November 10, 2017, in the chapel of Santa Marta, said Vatican Radio in Italian. He meditated on the parable of the dishonest steward of Luke’s gospel.
And he explained: «As Christians, we have an inner treasure, the treasure that is the Holy Spirit. We must keep it.»
The gospel speaks of the cunning of the «sons of this world» in relation to the «sons of light», explained the Pope: they do their business of corruption «also with courtesy», with «silk gloves».
But is there a «Christian trick»? asked the pope: «Is there an attitude for those who want to follow Jesus, so that they do not end badly, they do not end up eaten alive – or, as my mother said, ‘eaten raw’ – by others? What is the Christian trick, a trick that is not a sin, but serves to advance me in the service of the Lord, and also in the help of others? »
Yes, says the Pope, a «Christian trick» exists: there is a «Christian flair to move forward without falling into the snares of corruption».
It enumerates the three attitudes according to which the Christian must act: the first is a «healthy mistrust» of those who «promise too much» and who «talk too much» as «those who say to you,» make an investment in my bank I will give you a double interest.
The second attitude is the reflection before the seductions of the devil who knows our weaknesses.
And, finally, there is the prayer: «Let us ask this grace of Christian cunning and Christian flair,» invites the pope.
«It’s also a good opportunity to pray for the corrupt,» he said. «We talk about the smog that pollution causes, but there’s also a smog of corruption in society. Pray for the corrupt: the poor, that they find the exit of the prison in which they wanted to enter. »
The corrupt «are powerful,» said Pope Francis. «When they make the strings of corruption, they are powerful. And we should not «look for» the examples in «ancient history»: we «find them every day in the newspapers». «It’s happening today,» continues the pope, «particularly with those who are responsible for administering the people’s property, not their own property.»
To face corrupt people, one must not be naïve, one must reflect and pray to receive the «grace of the Christian trick».

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