The essential message of every religion is non-violence, said Monsignor Indunil Kodithuwakku, Under-Secretary — Number 3 – of the Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue, during the sixth Buddhist-Christian colloquium in Taiwan, held on November 13, 2017.
The works, in the Ling Jou Monastery of Taipei, are inspired in Pope Francis’ message to Buddhists on the occasion of the feast of Vesakh –“Let Us Walk Together on the Path of Non-Violence.” Attending the colloquium were participants from some 20 countries, the majority Asian.
A native of Sri Lanka, the Dicastery’s representative indicated a series of initiatives to promote non-violence through dialogue at all levels. “Violence in the name of religion and the growing phenomenon of religious fundamentalism have sparked a lively debate on the causes of violence and, more particularly, on the role of religion,” he stressed, in his address reported by L’Osservatore Romano.
“If religion doesn’t incite violence directly, how can we address the apparent co-relation between religion and violence?” asked Monsignor Kodithuwakku. And to answer the need “to eliminate poverty, injustice, disparity, exploitation and discrimination,” which are among the main causes of conflicts.
Because today, “dialogue and collaboration between religions isn’t an option” but an obligation, he concluded.

Taipei Taiwan © Wikimedia Commons User Bcody80
Taiwan: Vatican at the Sixth Buddhist-Christian Colloquium
The Essential Message of Every Religion Is Non-Violence