This is mount Taber Experience.
The simple Catholics have the stirring experience.
We are today transported to a mountain of bliss.
Life will be never same to Catholics in Myanmar.
Just a year ago, the thought that this little flock will be breaking bread with our Holy Fr Francis would have been a just dream.
We are a small flock. We are like Zacchaeus. Amidst nations, we could not see our shepherd. Like Zacchaeus, we were called, come down, I want to come to your house. That is our Holy Father. Holy Father Francis: A good Shepherd goes after the small and those in the margin. You have broken the word and broken the bread.
Like the moving words of our Mother, we reecho again and again, «He has raised the lowly!» Our soul glorifies. Like the disciples at Mount Taber, we will go back. We go back with extraordinary spiritual energy, proud to be Catholics, challenged to live the Gospel.
This day would remain in every human heart that is here.
Our dearest Holy Father! Every Catholic here with a grateful heart salutes your generosity.
A miracle has been enacted today. We all go back as God’s Miracle.
Thank you and this little flock pray for you

Cardinal Bo CTV Screenshot
Myanmar: Thanksgiving speech by Cardinal Charles Maung Bo
Remarks following Mass November 29, 2017, at the Kyaikkasan Ground