Fourteen Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei met with Pope Francis yesterday, February 8, 2018, on their “ad Limina Apostolorum” Visit.
The Holy See Press Office reported on the meeting in a press release on the same day.
Altogether, the three countries have some 1,174 million Catholics: 850,000 in Malaysia; 303,000 in Singapore and 21,000 in Brunei (Wikipedia data).
The Episcopal Conference of Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei reviews the position of the Church in these countries, and also carries out activities that include youth, medical care, and means of communication.
On July 27, 2011, the Holy See and Malaysia established diplomatic relations between both States.
Archbishop Giovanni Angelo Becciu, Substitute of the State Secretariat, celebrated Holy Mass on November 24, 2017, in the new Apostolic Nunciature of Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), the day after its inauguration.
–Monsignor John Wong Soo Kau, Archbishop of Kota Kinabalu.
–Monsignor Cornelius Piong, Bishop of Keningau.
–Monsignor Julius Dusin Gitom, Bishop of Sandakan.
–Monsignor Julian Leow Beng Kim, Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur with Archbishops Emeritus Cardinal Anthony Soter Fernandez and Monsignor Murphy Nicholas Xavier Pakiam.
–Monsignor Anthony Bernard Paul, Bishop of Melaka-Johor.
–Monsignor Sebastian Francis, Bishop of Penang with Bishop Emeritus, Monsignor Antony Selvanayagam.
–Monsignor Simon Poh Hoon Seng, Archbishop of Kuching.
–Monsignor Richard Ng, Bishop of Miri.
–Monsignor Joseph Hii Teck Kwong, Bishop of Sibu.
–Monsignor William Seng Chye Goh, Archbishop of Singapore.
–Monsignor Cornelius Sim, Bishop of Puzia of Numidia, Apostolic Vicar of Brunei.

Wikimedia Commons
Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei: 14 Bishops on ad Limina Visit
Francis Received Them on February 8, 2018