“Dear brothers and sisters who are in prison, I encourage each one of you to live the Lenten Season as an occasion for reconciliation and renewal of your life, under the merciful gaze of the Lord, who never tires of forgiving.”
Pope Francis offered this message to the incarcerated after the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square, on Sunday, February 18, 2018, the First Sunday of Lent.
“At the beginning of Lent, which is a journey of conversion and a struggle against evil, I wish to address special greetings to imprisoned persons,” said the Holy Father, who has reached out to and visited prisoners on several occasions.
Pope Francis highlighted Lent as a time of “reconciliation.”

© Vatican Media
'God Does Not Tire of Forgiving,' Pope Tells Prisoners
Reminds Prisoners Lent Is a Time to Be Renewed, Reconcile