Photo by Zenit's Deborah Castellano Lubv

POZNAN FEATURE: In Europe, No Institution Contributes Like the Catholic Church to Volunteering

Volunteering and the Catholic Church in Europe, and its Spirituality

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«There is no other institution in Europe, that so greatly contributes to volunteering than the Catholic Church.»
This was expressed in a presentation today, Sept. 14, 2018, in Poznan, by Fr Wojciech Sadłoń SAC, a member of the Institute for Catholic Church Statistics in Poland, who presented a summary of the survey on voluntary work, promoted by CCEE and undertaken in recent months with the Bishops’ Conferences.
It is estimated, the Polish priest and expert explained, that there are more than 100 million adults involved in volunteering in Europe. This implies that in European Union countries about 22-23% people aged over 15 years are engaged in voluntary work.
«Religious organizations represent the third most important source of volunteering in Europe besides sport and education,» he noted, telling Zenit: «Religious beliefs are crucial in motivating for volunteering.»
The annual Plenary Assembly of the Council of European Episcopal Conferences (CCEE)– the Church body which sees the participation of the Presidents of all the Bishops’ Conferences representing 45 nations of the continent–is taking place Sept. 13-16, in Poznan , Poland, at the invitation of Archbishop of Poznan Stanisław Gądecki, President of the Polish Bishops’ Conference and Vice-president of the CCEE.
The meeting is taking place in the homeland of the Polish Pope Saint John Paul II, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the recovery of Poland’s independence – the “re-birth” of the Polish State which in the 1700s had been divided into the neighboring empires; and in Poznan, to celebrate the 1050th anniversary of the first bishopric in Poland in Poznan, the first diocese of modern-day Poland.
This year the Presidents of the Bishops’ Conference is focusing on the theme of the spirit of solidarity in Europe.
Here is the CCEE-provide English text of the intervention obtained by Zenit’s Deborah Castellano Lubov, on the ground in Poznan.
Volunteering shapes modern Europe and is a practical form of solidarity. Volunteering is not only about doing or behaving. Volunteering is about meaning and implies a spirituality. That is why volunteering and religion are strictly intertwined. Religious faith and religious organizations are crucial components of volunteering and contribute to the spirit of solidarity in Europe. Catholicism embodies an important aspect of this European spirit of solidarity. There is none other institution in Europe, which so widely contributes to volunteering and promotes such diverse forms of volunteering, than the Catholic Church. Understanding of volunteering implies Christian vision of the man as a ‘free person’, called for ‘disinterested gift of self’ (John Paul II). It is not an coincidence that John Paul II formulated his ‘dynamic personalism’ in the country which generated ‘Solidarity’. Within volunteering a form of ‘Catholic volunteering’ could be distinguished which means volunteering: (1) related to the Church institutions and/or (2) motivated by Catholicism.
The first European charities (e.g. hospitals, almshouses, hospices) and first civil society organizations (eg. confraternities, guilds, brotherhoods) were inspired by Christian faith in the God’s mercy and founded by the Church. In the Middle Age monasteries, dioceses and parishes developed wide system of charitable and social activity. The modern process of nationalization and secularization of social work gave rise to a special configuration of governmental and public involvement into social services which is often called as ‘welfare states’. Contemporary Europe is ruled by democratic values and strongly influenced by free market economics. In such situation the protection and promotion of social well-being is shaped by ‘third sector’ institutions and organizations and activity of citizens within civil society. Catholic Church takes care of both third sector and civil society: ‘Many experiences of volunteer work are examples of great value that call people to look upon civil society as a place where it is possible to rebuild a public ethic based on solidarity, concrete cooperation and fraternal dialogue’ (Compendium of Catholic Social Doctrine 420). In the second half of the 20th century civil society in Europe is strongly stimulated by European and national politics and strongly influenced by ‘human rights’ and equality agenda.
Our study on volunteering and especially ‘Catholic volunteering’ in Europe and this presentation is based on (1) existing data and research on volunteering in Europe; (2) expert panel conducted among 39 members of Council of Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (CCEE). In the panel participated 27 European Bishops’ Conferences representing 29 European countries. The expert panel was organized from March to July 2018. In the panel participated national experts of ‘Catholic volunteering’. Experts were asked to answer 29 open in-depth questions. The answers were analysed in the Institute for Catholic Church Statistics in Poland. Most crucial conclusions of the research include:

  • In nearly all European countries Catholic organizations and institutions have their ‘autonomous’ legal (civil) status. Catholic organizations are recognized by the state and equal from legal point of view to civil non-governmental or non-profit organizations (NGO’s).
  • It is estimated that there are more than 100 million adults involved in volunteering in Europe. It implies that in European Union countries about 22-23% people aged over 15 years are engaged in voluntary work. Religious organizations represent third most important source of volunteering in Europe besides sport and education. Religious beliefs are crucial in motivating for volunteering.
  • According to panel experts Europeans and the Church authorities are characterized by strong positive attitude towards volunteering.
  • Especially in ‘old democracies’ volunteering is being transformed into more project oriented and casual (drop-in) engagement. In these countries volunteering is also shaped by the increasing professionalization.
  • Volunteering is more and more characterized by international cooperation and influence ‘spirit of solidarity in Europe’.
  • In Western countries volunteering and third sector is well-institutionalized. State and public programs stimulate the growth of volunteering. On the other hand there is a risk of ‘mercantilization’ of volunteering which means detaching volunteering from spontaneous activity and subordinating to programs and individual career path.
  • Volunteering is a platform for encounter between Catholics and non-Catholics. There are many Catholics engaged in ‘non-Catholic volunteering’. There are also non-Catholics who volunteer in Catholic organizations. They are attracted by the positive image of the Church or just by practical issues. However generally there is no competition between Catholic and non-Catholic volunteering. That is why volunteering represents a form of inter-religious dialog and ecumenism.
  • Although in some countries volunteering is reduced rather to social work in most countries volunteering is involved in most fields of pastoral work, not only social but also in parishes or even in liturgy.
  • In some countries special ecclesiastical documents on volunteering were published. The Church refers to volunteering by supporting practical initiatives and in statements of individual bishops.
  • The distinctiveness of ‘Catholic volunteering’ may be based just on different sorts of action. It includes also the context of Catholic Church as institutions incorporating especially trust. According to some experts Catholic volunteering is based on Catholic identity, Catholic doctrine and moral principles.
  • Generally volunteering is associated with the wide spectrum of motives, from more psychological such as joy and pleasure to much more theological such as ‘call’ and ‘mission’. ‘Catholic volunteering’ is described in different way. As an element of general volunteering or as specific Christian action.
  • According to experts the relationship between volunteering and faith is also complex. Especially in countries where religion is pluralised, volunteering delivers an opportunity for ecumenism. Some experts indicate that commitment to volunteering corresponds with commitment to religious community and is implied by Catholic moral teaching. The promotion of volunteering promote also the commitment to Catholic community. Volunteering has also formative effects. Volunteering positively contribute to the social role of the Church. Faith is also an important motivation for volunteering. In some cases it is pointed out that the practical link between volunteering and faith is too weak.
  • ‘Catholic volunteering’ represents also an opportunity for evangelization and youth pastoral ministry. Some non-Catholic who volunteer in Catholic organizations, especially young people come to Catholic organizations in the search for spirituality. Many Western countries offer well-organized volunteering programs for youth in these countries.


Country(ies) General volunteering ‘Catholic volunteering’
Albania 20% of population volunteer Caritas: 300 volunteers, parish volunteers: 580.
Austria 46% participate in volunteering (3.3-3.5 Million) 440.000 participate in religious volunteering
Belarus 15.000 volunteers
Belgium 10 – 15% of population engaged in volunteering, 70.000 NGOs. 138.585 volunteers in Church
Bosnia and Herzegovina 8% of population volunteer, 24.000 NGOs
Bulgaria 6%-10% of population volunteer, 15.000 NGOs
Croatia 10% of the population is involved in NGO
France 25% volunteers (13 Millions) 10% of the population volunteer in religious domain, In the diocese of Paris: 8.000 volunteers, in Caritas (Secours Catholic): 67.000 volunteers
Germany 600.000 NGOs, 30 Million (43%) volunteers, 48,6% of Catholics
Greece 5% Catholic organizations, In Caritas 500 volunteers
Hungary 61.616 NGOs: 20.643 foundations, 40.973 associations, 34% of population volunteer Volunteering in religious domain most often in the country,
Religious 1.443 religiously active organizations (2,5%) within 50-60% are Catholic, In Caritas 10.000 volunteers
Ireland 29.000 NGOs
Italy 336.275 NGOs, 5.529.000 volunteers 26.756 (8%) Catholic organizations and 279.471 volunteers
Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia Serbia – 11% of population volunteer
Montenegro – 7,3%
Kosovo – 8%
Macedonia 29%
Lithuania 2000 NGOs Over 1.800 people expressed their wish by the middle of July to volunteer during the papal visit to Lithuania (on September 22-23, 2018), which is almost double than the organizers need
Luxembourg 8.500 NGOs 3% of NGOs activity is religious
Moldovia 18% of population volunteer 150 Catholic volunteers
Portugal 12% of the population (1.040.000 people) 107.364 volunteers in religious organizations, 26% of total hours volunteered
Netherlands 45,000 NGOs 9.600 religious organizations, 2.000 Catholic organizations, 188.000 volunteers in parishes (5% Catholics)
Poland 160.000 NGOs; 29% of population volunteers 1/3 of all volunteers in Catholic organizations
Portugal Faith and Cooperation Foundation: 61 organizations, 1.028 volunteers
Romania 12,8% of population volunteer
Scotland 27% of population formal volunteering, (1.2 Million people) 25.000 charities Volunteering in religious groups 2nd most common (16%)
Slovakia 27% of population volunteers
Slovenia 18% of population volunteer, 27.600 NGOs In Caritas 11.000 volunteers
Spain 29.739 NGOs, 1.300 000 volunteers 3.270 (11%) religious organizations
Switzerland 42,7% of population volunteer Church organizations have the most members 36% of the population
Ukraine 244.520 NGOs 4.812 Catholic entities

[1] Study on Volunteering in the European Union,
[Provided by the CCEE]

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Deborah Castellano Lubov

Deborah Castellano Lubov is Senior Vatican & Rome Correspondent for ZENIT; author of 'The Other Francis' ('L'Altro Francesco') featuring interviews with those closest to the Pope and preface by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Parolin (currently published in 5 languages); Deborah is also NBC & MSNBC Vatican Analyst. She often covers the Pope's travels abroad, often from the Papal Flight (including for historic trips such as to Abu Dhabi and Japan & Thailand), and has also asked him questions on the return-flight press conference on behalf of the English-speaking press present. Lubov has done much TV & radio commentary, including for NBC, Sky, EWTN, BBC, Vatican Radio, AP, Reuters and more. She also has contributed to various books on the Pope and has written for various Catholic publications. For 'The Other Francis': or

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