Pope Francis will meet again with young people in October, building on his March encounter in preparation for the 2018 Synod of Bishop on the theme: ‘Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment’.
Young people from around the world gather in Rome from March 19-24, 2018, to provide input for the October 3-28, 2018, Synod. The March gathering included an extensive meeting with the Holy Father — and on October 6, 2018, he’ll welcome young people to Paul VI Hall to join him again. He wants to listen to them and welcome their proposals to be able to use them in the Final Document of the Synod.
This special meeting allows young people to offer concrete experiences about their life in study and work, their feelings, their future, and their vocational choice. The Pope will be present all the time of the meeting.
The event has the title «WE FOR – Unique, supportive, creative», and is sponsored by the Congregation for Catholic Education. It has as its common thread many testimonies of young people, interspersed with musical and artistic moments, on three themes dear to young people: the search for their identity, relationships and life as service and donation.
To participate in the event you need tickets that will be distributed by the Congregation for Catholic Education to which everyone can address (Piazza Pio XII No. 3, phone 0669884167 – mail llanes@ge.va). Young people are particularly invited and we hope they will be numerous in order to make their voice and their warmth heard by the Synod Assembly.

© Vatican Media
Youth Have a Time with Pope During Synod 2018
‘WE FOR – Unique, Supportive, Creative’