«Today is World Mission Day on the theme of With the young, let us bring the gospel to all «. Together with young people: it’s the way! said, Pope Francis in his remarks on October 21, 2018, after praying the Angelus with the crowd of some 20,000 pilgrims in St. Peter’s Square.
The Pope made the link with the synod on «the young, the faith, and the discernment of vocations» (October 3-28, 2018): «And this is the reality that, thanks to God, we live these days in the Synod dedicated to them: by listening to them and by involving them, we discover many testimonies of young people who have found the meaning and joy of living in Jesus. And often, they met him thanks to other young people, already involved in his company of brothers and sisters who is the Church. »
The pope has invited to be copied so that «the new generations do not miss the proclamation of the faith and the call to collaborate in the mission of the Church».
The Pope invited the more than 20,000 people present to pray with him for missionaries who leave their families and their country to bring the Gospel away from home: «I think of many Christians, men, and women, lay people, consecrated persons, priests, bishops, who have spent their lives and are still spending it away from their homeland to proclaim the Gospel. To them our love, our gratitude, and our prayer. Pray for them an «Ave Maria». «

© Vatican Media
Angelus: Proclaim the Gospel with Youth People
Pope Reminds Faithful of World Mission Day