Christ does not ask us to extraordinary things, but to let God act in our lives.
Pope Francis gave this reminder during today’s General Audience, Oct. 24, 2018, when addressing the young, elderly and newlyweds in St. Peter’s Square toward the conclusion of the weekly encounter.
«Dear friends, Christ’s Gospel message does not ask us to do extraordinary things, but to let God act in our lives. He told us: «Without me, you can do nothing'(Jn 15:5).»
«The Christian life is the meeting of our weakness with the strength of God’s grace, which allows us to live a full and joyful life every day, where charity means doing everything with joy and humility, for the glory of God and for the good of men.»

General Audience © Vatican Media
God Does Not Ask Us to Extraordinary Things, But to Let God Act in Our Lives
Pope Francis Reminds Young, Elderly, & Newlyweds That Without God, We Can Do Nothing