With the title «The cries of the poor», the Episcopal Conference of Mexico (CEM) has just published a letter to remind the Mexican community that the Catholic Church, at the invitation of Pope Francis, will celebrate next November 18, 2018, the 2nd World Day of the Poor. In the text, the Bishops present a reflection on who the «poor» is at the moment and in Mexico. «Today we hear the cries of the sick and evicted, of the unemployed, of abused women and relatives of missing people, of abused children, of those who are marginalized, and so many others», reads the letter sent to Fides News Agency.
The document highlights, on the one hand, the concern for the «caravan of migrants» seen as a new type of poverty, because they are obliged to leave everything; on the other hand, it refers to the Pastoral Project of CEM that commits itself to listening to these «cries» of the poor and to becoming a Church committed to peace and social causes.
In conclusion, the document expresses appreciation for «the pastoral attention and the accompaniment, guided by the Commission of Human Mobility, in the 133 shelters centers of our Church» and also for having informed, in its recent press release, about » the legal framework that protects and governs this moment in the history of our continent and our country».
«We contemplate with gratitude the Church of Tapachula, San Cristóbal de Las Casas and other Churches and religious communities, as well as governmental organizations and civil society, which have undertaken initiatives to help our brothers and sisters, on the path of their mobility: listening to the cries of the brother, means commitment and action for us Christians», concludes the text.

© Fides
Mexico: Bishops Prepare for World Day of the Poor
Listening to the Cries of the Brother, Means Commitment and Action for Christians