Pope Francis prayed the Regina Coeli on Easter Monday with the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square. He offered a reflection, recalling the Easter joy that continues this week.
Here is a Vatican News translation of the full text of the Pope’s reflection.
Today and throughout this week, the Easter joy of the Resurrection of Jesus, the wonderful event we commemorated yesterday, will continue.
During the Easter Vigil, the words spoken by the Angels at the empty tomb of Christ resounded. To the women who had gone to the tomb at dawn on the first day after the Sabbath, they said: «Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, He is risen». The Resurrection of Christ is the most shocking event in human history, attesting to the victory of God’s Love over sin and death and giving our hope of life a rock-solid foundation. What was humanly unthinkable happened: «Jesus of Nazareth…God raised Him up, freeing Him from the pains of death».
On this Easter Monday (in Italian «Monday of the Angel»), the liturgy, with the Gospel of Matthew, takes us back to the empty tomb of Jesus. The women, full of awe and joy, are leaving in a hurry to go and bring the news to the disciples; and at that moment Jesus presents Himself before them. They «came up to Him and, falling down before Him, clasped His feet». Jesus drives fear out of their hearts and encourages them, even more, to announce to their brothers and sisters what has happened. All the Gospels emphasize the role of women, Mary of Magdala and the others, as the first witnesses of the resurrection. The men were frightened, they were closed in the Upper Room. Peter and John, advised by Mary Magdalene, only went out briefly and saw that the tomb was open and empty. But it was the women who were the first to meet the Risen One and to bring the message that He was alive.
Today, dear brothers and sisters, the words of Jesus addressed to the women resound for us too: «Do not be afraid; go and proclaim…». After the liturgies of the Easter Triduum, which allowed us to relive the mystery of our Lord’s death and resurrection, now with the eyes of faith, we contemplate Him risen and alive. We too are called to meet Him personally and to become His heralds and witnesses.
With the ancient Easter Sequence, we repeat during these days: «Christ, my hope, is risen!”. In Him we too have risen, passing from death to life, from the slavery of sin to the freedom of love. Let us, therefore, allow ourselves to be touched by the consoling message of Easter and be enveloped by its glorious light, which dispels the darkness of fear and sadness. The risen Jesus walks beside us. He manifests Himself to those who call on Him and who love Him. First of all, in prayer, but also in simple joys lived with faith and gratitude. We can also feel His presence when we share moments of cordiality, welcome, and friendship, or when we contemplate nature. May this feast day, on which it is traditional to enjoy some leisure and free time, help us to experience the presence of Jesus.
Let us ask the Virgin Mary to help us draw with full hands the gifts of peace and serenity of the Risen One, and to share them with our brothers and sisters, especially with those who most need comfort and hope.

© Vatican Media
Pope Francis' Remarks at Easter Monday Regina Coeli
‘The Resurrection of Christ is the most shocking event in human history’