On July 4, 2019, the Holy See Press Office announced that Pope Francis accepted the resignation tendered by the Nuncio in Spain and the Principality of Andorra, Monsignor Renzo Fratrini, and by the Nuncio in Portugal, Monsignor Rino Passigato, who reached the limit age of 75 years.
In keeping with the new norms established by the Motu Proprio “Learn to Take Leave” (“Imparare a Congedarsi”), dated February 12, 2018. The procedure of resignation of Pontifical Representatives follows the same lines as those of the Bishops and Heads of Dicasteries of the Roman Curia who aren’t Cardinals: the Pontifical Representatives “do not cease ipso facto their service when they reach 75, but they must present their resignation to the Supreme Pontiff.”
The resignation of officials of the Roman Curia and of Pontifical Representatives, therefore, is not “automatic,” but requires the Pope’s acceptance. It’s the reason why the Bulletin of the Press Office now publishes not only the appointments but also the resignations of Apostolic Nuncios.

Apostolic Nuncios © Vatican Media
Vatican Diplomacy: Resignation of Nuncios in Spain and Portugal
For Reasons of Age, in Keeping with the Reform