From July 27 to August 3, 2019, Italy and Rome will become the epicentre of Euromoot, , a meeting in which 5,000 of Europe’s Scouts,-FSE, belonging to the International Union of Guides and Scouts of Europe (UIGSE), and coming from over 20 nations, will gather in the Eternal City and have a private audience with Pope Francis.
In scout terminology, the word Euromoot is used to refer to an international meeting of Escultas and Rovers, of girls and boys from 16 to 21 years old.
It is an event where thousands of young people from different countries gather in an area, which enables them to establish friendships through activities geared to getting to know one another and to rediscover their common cultural and spiritual roots. During this week of journeying, with the passing of the days, they will perceive that the true European patrimony is the capacity to live together in peace and fraternity, around shared values and with a common objective: Christ.
There will be three phases to the week: from July 27 to August 1, the “Mobile Camp”; from August 1 to 2, a meeting in four different points at the doors of the capital and, finally, on August 3, their joint destiny will be St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.
First Phase
Over the last few months, the young people have had the opportunity to come into contact and form international twining groups. That is, groups of 30 to 50 young people, of two or three different nationalities, will walk across some Italian regions (Umbria, the Abruzzi, Tuscany and Latium).
These travelling communities will follow historical itineraries such as Via Francigena, Saint Benedict’s Way or Saint Francis’ Way, following in the steps of great Saints, such as Saint Paul, Saints Cyril and Methodius, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Benedict of Nursia and Saint Catherine of Siena. All these Saints, in addition to being Patrons of Europe, represent, with their lives, an ideal track to follow to discover the Christian cultural heritage.
However, the walk will not only be physical, with one’s legs, but also with the spirit, the mind and the heart. Thus the twinning will pass through pre-established points, where the scouts will have the opportunity to discuss topics that will lead them to question themselves on their identity as European and Christian citizens and to rediscover the value of the Word, with an activity that recalls the ancient amanuensis exercises of the Benedictine monks: “The itinerant desk!”
Second Phase and Audience with the Pope
In the second phase, thousands of young people will converge on four pre-established points, which will be an opportunity in which the <Escultas> and Rovers will have a mutual knowledge of the traditions and characteristics of each participant nation, they will hear talks of a historical and spiritual character and be divided into thematic workshops; they will learn new skills, from singing to the value of safeguarding the earth as a gift of God, and scout techniques of life in the open air.
Finally, on August 3, all the participants, starting from those four points at the doors of the city of Rome, will meet again in the Nervi Hall to have a private audience with Pope Francis.
This meeting is taking place 25 years after the audience granted <to scouts> by the then Pontiff Saint John Paul II.
The young people will then go to St. Peter’s Basilica to take part in the closing Mass, presided over by Cardinal Bagnasco.

5,000 European 'Scouts' Will Meet with the Pope
In the Framework of the “Euromoot” Meeting