Arquidiocesis San Salvador

Church in El Salvador Announces Jubilee Year of the Martyrs

40 Years After Martyrdom of San Oscar Romero

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«Martyrdom is the greatest testimony of faith, because it faithfully reproduces Christ, giving his life so that others can have life in abundance» (cf. Jn 10:10), underlines the message of the Episcopal Conference of El Salvador, in preparation for the Jubilee Year of the Martyrs, 40 years after the martyrdom of San Oscar Arnulfo Romero.

The message, reported by Fides News Agency, indicates the dates on which the national martyrs will be celebrated: March 12, 43rd anniversary of the martyrdom of Fr. Rutilio Grande; March 24, 40th Anniversary of the martyrdom of San Oscar Arnulfo Romero; June 14, 40th anniversary of the martyrdom of Fr. Cosme Spessotto. On July 31, August 1 and 2, the great Pilgrimage to Ciudad Barrios, the birthplace of San Oscar Arnulfo Romero, and the National Congress on martyrs.

«The martyrs gave their lives and accompany us on our pilgrimage of faith. We want to hear their voice and at the same time, we want to echo that voice. Therefore, we respectfully ask the Parliamentary Assembly to promulgate an authentic «National Reconciliation Law» to do justice to victims, know the truth and define compensation», say the Bishops.

In asking for justice for the population, the Bishops also ask for «a new system of assistance for retirees» and the definitive approval of the «General Water Law», which ensures all Salvadoran citizens the right to water. «Water is a public good, therefore it must be administered only by the State», write the Bishops who invite the population «to make use of their right to democratic participation and to make their voices heard on social networks, sending as many messages to the deputies, asking that, in accordance with their constitutional mandate, they legislate on each of the points indicated, in favor of the people who elected them and in defense of the rights of the poorest».
Finally, the Bishops express solidarity with migrants and ask for the respect of their rights.

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