Bishops' Conference of England and Wales

National Board of Catholic Women in England and Wales Publishes Practical Booklet on Domestic Abuse

Timely Aid During Pandemic

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In order to raise awareness within the Catholic community of domestic abuse and the impact upon victims and their children, the National Board of Catholic Women (NBCW) has released a booklet that offers pastoral care and guidance.

Commending the booklet, the Bishops’ Conference Liaison to the NBCW, Abbot Hugh Allan, O.Praem, believes its publication is particularly timely:

“At a time when the crisis around the pandemic has seen an increase in cases of domestic abuse, this timely booklet from the National Board of Catholic Women (NBCW) is an excellent resource for all of us.

“The masterpiece of creation is a human being. This great dignity is the birth right of everyone. The welfare and safety of all God’s children is a something every Christian has a responsibility to act upon. No one should ever live in fear of violence, or of any kind of abuse.”

The booklet contains notes on Church teaching on violence in relationships – including extracts from the 2016 Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia – and provides useful links and resources to help both those suffering in various situations of domestic abuse and also survivors who need time, space and help to recover.

Preventing and combating domestic abuse is a shared responsibility and the booklet contains a section offering simple, practical guidance to Catholics in England and Wales who want to play their part.


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