The meeting took place in the Synod Hall Photo: Vatican Media

[PHOTO GALLERY] Missionaries of synodality: Pope meets with 200 parish priests from around the world

Francis meets with 200 parish priests and leaves them with a slogan: to return to their parishes as missionaries of synodality.

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 05.02.2024).- On the morning of Thursday, May 2nd, the Pope met with around 200 parish priests participating in the International Meeting «Parish Priests for the Synod.» The meeting took place in the Synod Hall. During the gathering, the Pope symbolically signed the letter that he would later give to them. One of the Pope’s slogans was to be missionaries of synodality: the Pope asked them to return to their parishes to renew their ministry with a synodal approach. Below is a photo gallery of the meeting, which was also attended by Cardinals Grech, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops; Lazzaro You Heung-Sik, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Clergy; and Jean-Claude Hollerich.

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