Pope Francis in general audience may 15 Photo: Vatican Media

Patriarch of Constantinople Announces Pope Francis’ Visit to Turkey to Commemorate the Council of Nicaea

The visit of Pope Francis and of Patriarch Bartholomew I to Iznik to commemorate the 1,700th anniversary of this event, underscores the historical and spiritual importance of Nicaea.

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(ZENIT News / Rome, 16.05.2024).- In a significant gesture of union and commemoration, Pope Francis expressed his intention to visit Turkey next year, coinciding with the anniversary of the Council of Nicaea. Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople announced the Holy Father’s intention to visit Turkey on Thursday, May 15, during his visit to Lisbon.

The Patriarch explained that Pope Francis wishes to celebrate jointly this important anniversary. “His Holiness  Pope Francis wishes to celebrate together this important anniversary and he plans to come to our country to visit the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Then we will travel together to Nicaea, in Iznik, for a historic celebration of this anniversary,” said the Orthodox leader.

The Council of Nicaea, held in the year 325, is considered the Church’s first Ecumenical Council; it had a profound impact in the history of Christianity, establishing the Nicaean Creed and addressing crucial questions on Christian Doctrine. The visit of Pope Francis  and of Patriarch Bartholomew I to Iznik  to commemorate the 1,700th anniversary  of this event, underscores the historical and spiritual importance of Nicaea.

Moreover, the Patriarch mentioned that an organizing committee is being set up for the meeting, made up of Catholic and Orthodox representatives, which will meet soon to plan the details of the event. He also said that the Vatican will be in touch with the Turkish Government to coordinate the papal visit.

Renascença, the means that reported this news, contacted the Vatican Press Office, which stated that no information has been received yet about the Pope’s trips for the coming year. However, the possibility of this visit has generated expectation and enthusiasm.

Pope Francis’ visit to Turkey for the anniversary of the Council of Nicaea not only represents a tribute to this  crucial event in the history of Christianity, but also an important step towards strengthening relations between the Catholic and Orthodox Churches.

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Valentina di Giorgio

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