The Pope In Cascais, With The Young People From Scholas Photo: Vatican Media

Vatican to host International Meeting on Sense: presence of academics and world social and cultural leaders

Scholas Occurrentes and CAF – Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean – are organizing the International Meeting of Sense, which will take place from 21 to 23 May and will be attended by the rectors of the world’s leading universities, academics, and global cultural leaders.

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(ZENIT News / Vatican City, 05.16.2024).- Scholas Occurrentes and CAF – Development Bank of Latin  America and the Caribbean – are organizing the International Meeting of Sense, to be held  May 21-23, which will be attended by the rectors of the world’s leading universities,  academics and global cultural references, and will feature Pope Francis on the final day.

Rectors from the world’s leading universities, figures from the fields of in culture, politics  and technology, influential young people influential in their communities and artists will  travel to Vatican City to seek concrete solutions to the challenges of the University of  Sense, whose management has been entrusted by Pope Francis to the Scholas  Occurrentes International Educational Movement.

During the meeting we will work on a number of issues affected by the global crisis of  contemporary meaning. These include technology, the environment and mental health.

On the closing day, which will take place on Thursday 23 May at 3 p.m. in the Old Synod  Hall, the participants will present the conclusions of their work to the Holy Father.

The traditional alliance between Scholas and CAF has as its immediate antecedents,  among other educational experiences, the launch of the first Laudato sí School, in May  2022, which was attended by 50 young representatives from different countries in Latin  America and the Caribbean, as well as the International Meeting of Eco-Educational  Cities, organized in May 2023, in which 40 mayors from the region met in Rome to  strengthen the management and leadership capacities needed to advance on the road to  sustainable development. They will present their progress and implementations to date at this new meeting.

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