Pope Francis in general audience Photo: Vatican Media

Vatican Press Office Clarifies Controversial Papal Remarks on Homosexuality in Seminaries

From the Vatican spokesman’s answer, two other doubts have arisen, because it is not clear everything

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(ZENIT News / Varican City, 05.28.2024).- The Director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, has issued a clarification regarding alleged statements made by Pope Francis during a private meeting with the Italian episcopate. The clarification comes in response to reports claiming that the Pope made a definitive «no» to homosexuals in seminaries and used derogatory language in the process.

During the discussion on vocations on May 20, Pope Francis reportedly stated that «there are already too many fagotery in the Church.» This remark has sparked considerable controversy and led to numerous inquiries from the media.

In his statement, Bruni addressed these reports, saying:

«Pope Francis is aware of the recent articles about his closed-door conversation with the bishops of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI). As he has reiterated on several occasions: ‘In the Church, there is room for everyone, everyone! No one is useless, no one is superfluous, there is room for everyone. Just as we are, everyone.’ The Pope never intended to offend or use homophobic language, and he extends his apologies to anyone who may have been hurt by the use of a term reported by others.»

Bruni’s response has, however, raised further questions. It remains unclear whether the derogatory term «maricón» (a highly offensive and rarely used word in Italian) was actually uttered by the Pope or by someone else during the dialogue. Additionally, the note’s reference to the Pope’s inclusive statement that «there is room for everyone in the Church» has led to speculation about whether this implies a «yes» to homosexuals in seminaries.

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