Pope Francis presided over the Holy Mass in the “Gelora Bung Karno” Stadium of Jakarta before some 100,000 people.

Pope Francis presided over the Holy Mass in the “Gelora Bung Karno” Stadium of Jakarta before some 100,000 people. Photo: Vatican Media

The Pope’s Second Day in Indonesia

Interreligious meeting, mass mass and Meeting with those Assisted by Charitable Realities during its second day in Indonesia

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(ZENIT News / Jakarta, 05.09.2024).- On Thursday morning, September 5, after leaving the Apostolic Nunciature, Pope Francis went to the Istiqlal Mosque for an Inter-Religious Meeting.

On his arrival, the Holy Father was welcomed outside the Mosque by the Grand Imam, Prof. Dr. KH Nasaruddin Umar, MA. Together they visited  the “Tunnel of Friendship,” where the Pontiff greeted those present. Then, while a welcome song was intoned, they arrived at the tent where the meeting took place.

After the singing of a passage of the Koran and the reading of a passage of the Gospel according to Luke, the Grand Imam gave his welcome address to Pope Francis, which was followed by the reading and signing of the “Joint Declaration of Istiqlal 2024.” Then the Holy Father pronounced his address.

At the end, after the exchange of gifts, the Pope and the Grand Imam went to the Mosque’s patio for a group photograph with the other religious leaders present. Then the Grand Imam bid the Pope farewell at the Alfattah door.

At the end of the Inter-Religious Meeting in the Istiqlal Mosque, the Holy Father went to the headquarters of the Indonesian Episcopal Conference, where the Meeting was held with those Assisted by Charitable Realities.

On his arrival, the Pope went to the Henry Soetio Room to meet with a group of sick, disabled and poor  people assisted by different charitable realities linked to the Indonesian Episcopal Conference.

After the opening hymn, the welcome address of the President of the Episcopal Conference, Monsignor Antonius Franciskus  Subianto Bunyamin, O.S.C., and the testimonies of two of the disabled, the Holy Father addressed a few words of greeting to those present. Then Monsignor Henricus Pidyarto , O. Carm, responsible for the Liturgical Commission, led a brief moment of prayer.

Subsequently, after imparting the Final Blessing, the Pope signed the marble plate of the Episcopal Conference’s headquarters. Before leaving the Henry Soetio  Room to return to the Apostolic Nunciature, the Holy Father greeted personally all those present.

Around 5:00 pm local time, Pope Francis presided over the Holy Mass in the “Gelora Bung Karno” Stadium of Jakarta before some 100,000 people.

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