The Pope’s interaction with the youth was not just a speech but a conversation

The Pope’s interaction with the youth was not just a speech but a conversation Photo: Vatican Media

Pope’s third day in Timor, first in Singapore: what did the Pope do?

Pope Francis Bids Farewell to Timor-Leste with a Youthful Send-off and Message of Peace

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(ZENIT News / Dali-Changui, 09.11.2024).- On the morning of September 11, Pope Francis concluded his visit to Timor-Leste with a heartfelt gathering with the country’s youth, followed by a departure ceremony that emphasized the nation’s warm hospitality. The encounter with young people, which took place at the Dili Convention Center, was one of the final highlights of his apostolic journey, underscoring the Pope’s enduring connection with the next generation.

A Vibrant Youth Encounter

At 9:50 AM local time, Pope Francis arrived at the Convention Center, where he was greeted by Father Francisco Indra Tey Seran, Executive President of Timor-Leste’s National Catholic Youth Commission. A group of young people welcomed the Pope with flowers and a traditional tais, the colorful scarf that holds deep cultural significance in Timor-Leste.

Before addressing the assembled crowd, Pope Francis paused for a moment of prayer in front of a statue of the Virgin Mary, leaving a floral tribute. The atmosphere inside the center was electric, with a traditional dance performance kicking off the event. Four young people then shared their personal stories, offering testimonies of faith, struggle, and hope.

In his address, Pope Francis spoke with spontaneity, engaging the youth in dialogue. His words carried a message of encouragement, urging them to embrace their faith while becoming agents of change in their communities. The Pope’s interaction with the youth was not just a speech but a conversation—a reflection of his belief in the importance of listening to young voices.

As the gathering concluded, two young people presented Pope Francis with doves, symbols of peace, which he released into the sky. The symbolism was powerful, a reminder of the Pope’s call for harmony and understanding in a world often marked by division. Before departing, he took a moment to greet the crowd of young people who had waited outside the venue, their faces beaming with excitement.

Departure from Timor-Leste

The farewell ceremony at Presidente Nicolau Lobato International Airport was a moment of reflection on the Pope’s visit. President José Ramos-Horta personally welcomed Pope Francis at the VIP lounge for a brief but warm meeting. The two leaders exchanged words of gratitude and mutual respect, with the Pope expressing his deep appreciation for the hospitality he had received during his stay.

Before boarding an Aero Dili A320 bound for Singapore at 12:25 PM, Pope Francis met with local officials and members of the Timorese delegation. His departure was marked by the same warmth that had characterized his entire visit. Shortly after taking off, the Pope sent a telegram to President Ramos-Horta, offering his prayers for peace and solidarity for the people of Timor-Leste.

A Warm Welcome in Singapore

Upon arriving in Singapore’s Changi International Airport at 2:52 PM, Pope Francis was greeted by Edwin Tong, Singapore’s Minister for Culture, Community, and Youth, and Ambassador Ang Janet Guat Har. In a touching moment, local children presented the Pope with flowers, marking the beginning of his brief but meaningful stay in the city-state.

The Pope then made his way to the St. Francis Xavier Retreat Centre, where he was welcomed by the staff for a private meeting with members of the Society of Jesus. This gathering, scheduled for 6:15 PM, highlighted the Pope’s continued commitment to engaging with his fellow Jesuits and reflecting on the spiritual and pastoral needs of the community.

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A Journey Rooted in Faith and Solidarity

Pope Francis’ visit to Timor-Leste was a profound expression of unity, faith, and peace. From his intimate encounters with children and youth to the grand Mass attended by nearly half the nation’s population, the Pope’s message resonated deeply. His departure left an indelible mark on the people of Timor-Leste, who welcomed him not only as a religious leader but as a symbol of hope and compassion.

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