Mayor Has No Stomach for Exhibit´s "Last Supper"

NEW YORK, FEB. 16, 2001 ( The Brooklyn Museum exhibit featuring a nude black woman as Jesus at the Last Supper came under attack by the city´s mayor, who called it «disgusting» and «anti-Catholic.»

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The exhibit, entitled «Committed to the Image: Contemporary Black Photographers,» includes «Yo Mama´s Last Supper» by photographer Rene Cox, in which she herself poses, replacing Christ. Her manifest intention is «criticizing the Catholic Church for the absence of woman´s role in it.»

In 1999 the museum came under fire for housing an exhibit which featured a Virgin Mary with elephant excrement and clippings of pornographic magazines.

Mayor Rudolph Giuliani declared that he would appoint a commission to set «decency standards» to keep such work out of museums that receive public money. He lost a court battle to close down the museum after the 1999 incident.

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