The survey, carried out by the University of Cagliari, in Sardinia, interviewed some 3,000 people between the age of 15 and 61, of different levels of education. It revealed that a large majority of Italians, 83.4%, said they were Catholics, while 13.7% said they were atheist, and 2.9% Buddhist.

The survey found that 6.4% visit wizards and fortunetellers.

Many have doubts about miracles, such as weeping or bleeding statues (33.7%). Those who are convinced are far fewer (13.1%). Moreover, 28.6% were convinced that at some point they were the target of witchcraft, and 19.4% have participated in spiritualistic sessions.

In addition, 30.9% wear amulets, and 10.9% are convinced they had a previous life, while 63.4% deny this.

The study also questioned people on the "prince of darkness"; 41.1% were convinced of his existence, 38.3% denied it, and 20.6% said the devil "might" exist.