ZENIT Launches Daily German Edition

VATICAN CITY, MAY 24, 2001 (Zenit.org).- The ZENIT international news service today launched a daily German-language edition.

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The new edition joins the lineup of Spanish-, English- and French-language reports. ZENIT started with a Spanish edition in mid-1997.

In addition to its dispatches and Web site, ZENIT news is carried on radio and television stations, and by newspapers, magazines and other Web page links.

ZENIT is a member of the Electronic Network of the Church in Latin America (RIIAL), an organization created by the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, in collaboration with the Latin American bishops´ council (CELAM).

ZENIT´s international team includes members of various ecclesial movements and organizations. Its editorial board is in Rome, with correspondents and collaborators around the world.

Subscriptions are free for private individuals. Readers´ donations help keep ZENIT going. Media Paid subscriptions from media outlets, as well as advertisements, also generate income.

You can subscribe to ZENIT´s German edition at:


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