Wojtyla´s 1960 Work Published in Simplified Form

Vatican OKs a Shorter «Love and Responsibility»

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PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania, JULY 29, 2001 (Zenit.org).- A simplified version of the book «Love and Responsibility» has been published in order to make the thought of John Paul II more accessible.

The Vatican Secretary of State gave permission for the shorter version of the landmark work that originally appeared in Polish in 1960, authored by Karol Wojtyla.

Monsignor Vincent M. Walsh of Philadelphia conceived the new version as he read George Weigel´s papal biography, «Witness to Hope.»

Weigel lamented that John Paul II´s teachings were little known by Catholics because of the density of the Pope´s style. The biographer asked that other authors «translate John Paul´s thoughts into more accessible categories.»

A third the length of the original 100,000-word book, the new 132-page version contains the key thoughts of every paragraph woven back into an easy-to-read form. The original chapters and divisions are retained, though headings are added to sharpen the format.

In the preface, Archbishop John P. Foley, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, wrote, «This is a successful attempt to encapsulate and popularize. This carefully prepared digest will make the thought processes of the greatest moral leader of our age accessible to a wider audience.»

Monsignor Walsh explained that his book is neither just a summary nor a commentary.

«The reader will come into direct contact with the Pope´s words and thought processes,» he said. «Every word in the book is the Pope´s and every key thought is preserved.»

For more information, in the United States, call or fax (610) 896-1970. Or visit http:www.libertynet.org/~revival. Or write: Key of David Publications, 204 Haverford Road, Wynnewood, Pennsylvania 19096.

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