Pope Tells of Challenge of Inculturation

VATICAN CITY, JULY 19, 2002 (Zenit.org).- The Gospel has to be announced in ways understandable to modern people, John Paul II said in a message on the occasion of an Ursuline general chapter.

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«The great challenge of inculturation requires believers today to proclaim the Good News in language and forms that are comprehensible to the men and women of our day,» the Pope said in his message addressed to Sister Carmela Distefano, general superior of the Ursulines of the Holy Family.

The Holy Father urged the religious to place their life «at the service of the poor; to cultivate a real educational passion for youth,» and to dedicate themselves «generously to people, especially the sick and the suffering.»

«So many still wait to know Jesus and his Gospel! So many have need to feel the love of God,» John Paul II concluded.

The Ursulines of the Holy Family number about 100 religious and novices.

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