Omission in Euro Text Would Distort History, Says Christian Leader

Giorgio Salina Criticizes Draft Preamble of Constitution

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ROME, JUNE 11, 2003 ( If the present draft of the European Constitution is not changed, it would mean silencing the «incontestable and irrefutable» truth about Christianity’s contribution to the continent, says an official.

«Suffice it to visit any city of our continent, to enter any museum, to read the literature of any country, to prove» the historical contribution of Christianity, said Giorgio Salina, a vice president of the Convention of Christians for Europe.

He was commenting to ZENIT about draft preamble of the European Constitution, presented May 28.

The draft is inspired «by the cultural, religious and humanist heritage of Europe, which was «initially nourished by the Greek and Roman civilizations,» and later «by philosophical currents of the Enlightenment,» the text explains.

Christianity «has contributed to make Europe what it is, from the Roman era to our days, to the founders of the New Europe: Konrad Adenauer, Robert Schumann, Paul-Henri Spaak, Alcide de Gasperi — all Christian politicians,» Salina said.

«How can a new and welcoming common home be built without appreciating — what is more, ignoring — such an important part of the cultural, spiritual and social heritage of our history as is Christian humanism?» he continued.

Salina mentioned that the preamble states that «our Constitution is democratic because power is not in the hands of a minority but of the whole people.»

«After having preached for years tolerance, support and defense of all cultural positions, including minority ones, ‘zero tolerance’ is accorded to those who do not think as the prevailing culture,» he said. Rather, they would do away «with any reference to God, and not just Christian roots.»

Reference to Christianity, Salina observed, «would have found men and women of all religions in agreement, in other words, millions of European citizens who, evidently, are not considered as forming part of the whole people.»

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